- Block hash:0x580cabce5d7dda657d2482d1e4cc3e4e96d6b61fa8c296424bf2459b740d4742
- Confirmed:7,071,643
- Time:24/06/2022، 04:06:56(2 years 8 months ago)
- Txns:This block contains 371 txns and 231 internal txns and 93 token transfers and 184 NFT transfers
- Withdrawal txn:0 withdrawal transaction(s)
- Block rewards:ETH2.206445200515257(ETH2+ETH5.134443252087785+0ETH-)ETH4.927998051572528
- Difficulty:52,419,186,776,150,930,206,340
- Block size:bytes71,325
- Gas used:29,989,630(99.97%)99.93% Gas target
- Gas limit:30,000,000
- Avg. Gas price:ETH (0.000000171207289055Gwei)171.20728905
- Base fee per Gas:ETH (0.000000164323402842Gwei)164.32340284
- Burned fee:🔥ETH4.927998051572528
- Additional data: