Marketplace API
Retrieve Fractal Ordinals collection

Retrieve Fractal Ordinals collection#

This interface is used to get the list of all Fractal NFT and Brc20 collections, including the unique identifier slug of each collection, the range of inscription numbers, the volume, and the floor price.

Request address#


Request param#

slugStringNoThe collection‘s slug, which is the unique identifier of the collection.It means retrieve a specific collection when the value is not empty
cursorStringNoFor pagination. A cursor pointing to the page to retrieve.
limitStringNoFor pagination. The maximum number of collections to return. The default value is 100, and the max is 300.
isBrc20BooleanNoRetrieve the list of all Fractal NFT and BRC-20 collections. The default value is true, and it will return the BRC-20 list.

Response param#

Array of objects of the Ordinals collection model

slugStringThe collection‘s slug, which is the unique identifier of the collection
totalVolumeStringTotal volume of a collection, priced in FB
floorPriceStringFloor price of a collection, priced in FB
inscriptionNumRangeStringRange of inscription numbers for a collection
volume24hString24-hour trading volume of the collection, priced in FB
isBrc20BooleanUsed to distinguish Ordinals inscription types: Brc20 or Fractal NFT

Request example#

curl -X GET "" \
  -d "limit=1"

Response example#

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
      "cursor": "",
      "data": [
          "floorPrice": "0.84",
          "inscriptionNumRange": "#398426-#3488986",
          "isBrc20": false,
          "slug": "fractal-pepe-1",
          "totalVolume": "6.927321832273747",
          "volume24h": "0.026769803732172824"
    "msg": ""