
Football Fans Attend Manchester City Treble Trophy Tour Presented by OKX in Abu Dhabi, UAE

  • Event featured an exhibition of Manchester City's trophies, appearances by the Club's legend Joleon Lescott and a free public match screening on Sunday, 8 October

Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 9, 2023 -- OKX, a world leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company and the Official Sleeve Partner of Manchester City Football Club, proudly presented the Manchester City Treble Trophy tour from October 5-8 in Abu Dhabi, UAE which saw football fans attend to catch a glimpse of football's most coveted - and rare - club trophies.

The event attracted football fans, influencers, media and featured an exhibition of Manchester City's trophies, appearances by the Club legend Joleon Lescott, and a free public match screening of the side's match against Arsenal on Sunday, 8 October.

OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique said: "We're very proud of the incredible performance Manchester City men’s team turned in last season, bringing home the Treble with the OKX name on their training kits. This season, we've expanded the partnership to become Official Sleeve Partner and are cheering the team on to more victories. The Treble Trophy Tour in Abu Dhabi was an amazing way to present these trophies to fans young and old, and is a testament to our keen interest in introducing ourselves to people in the Gulf and around the world."

In June, OKX announced that it was named Manchester City's Official Sleeve Partner, an expansion of the partnership, which began in March 2022.

The Treble trophies have crossed the globe over the past few months, appearing in Jakarta, India, Japan and Korea. In September, OKX presented the iconic Premier League and English Cup trophies in Hong Kong.

Highlights from the event:

Manchester City Treble Trophy Tour in Abu Dhabi, Presented by OKX

Attendees arrive at the MCFC Treble Trophy Tour, Presented by OKX, in Abu Dhabi.

Manchester City Treble Trophy Tour in Abu Dhabi, Presented by OKX_

Trophies on display at the MCFC Treble Trophy Tour, Presented by OKX, in Abu Dhabi.

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