Query protocol list#
Description: This API provides brief information about protocols and investment products for further details on investment products. If the parameters do not exist, it will list information about all protocols.
Request URL#
GET https://www.okx.com/api/v5/defi/explore/protocol/list
Request parameters#
Parameter name | Description | Location | Required | Data type |
platformId | Platform ID | Query | No | String |
platformName | Platform official name | Query | No | String |
Response parameters#
Parameter name | Description | Data type |
platformId | Platform ID | String |
platformName | Platform official name | String |
platformWebSite | Platform official website | String |
investmentApiUrlPattern | URL address for investment details (non-UI) | String |
investmentPageUrlPattern | URL address for investment details on OKX official website UI | String |
platformMinInfos | Platform information | Array[Struct] |
>investmentId | Investment product ID | String |
>protocolId | Protocol ID | String |
>network | Investment product network | String |
>chainId | Investment product chain ID | String |
Request example#
curl --location 'https://www.okx.com/api/v5/defi/explore/protocol/list' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-KEY: 4b****53' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE: p****d'
Response example#
"code": 0,
"msg": "",
"data": [
"platformId": 149,
"platformName": "MorphoCompound",
"platformWebSite": "https://compound.morpho.xyz/?network=mainnet",
"investmentApiUrlPattern": "",
"investmentPageUrlPattern": "",
"platformMinInfos": [
"investmentId": "20926",
"protocolId": "194",
"network": "OP"
"investmentId": "20949",
"protocolId": "195",
"network": "OP"
"platformId": 144,
"platformName": "Compound V3",
"platformWebSite": "https://app.compound.finance",
"investmentUrlPattern": "",
"platformMinInfos": [
"investmentId": "8973",
"protocolId": "75",
"network": "OP"