Devils Thumb Sunrise - Indian Peaks Wilderness #11

It was a long nine-mile hike from the Fourth of July Camp Ground past Diamond Lake and up to the heights of the Continental Divide beneath High Lonesome Pass and the Devils Thumb. I woke from a restless night to high-winds in the Indian Peaks wilderness and a coolish morning as the sun rose over the plains to the east. Instead of photographing the Divide and Devils Thumb near High Lonesome Pass, I turned my attention to the sun cresting the ridge line, the boulders in the foreground, and the land running into cirrus clouds turned burnt orange. This is view is the beginning of the Great Plains running from the Rocky Mountains all the way to the Mississippi River more than a thousand miles away. It's as if you can see across the horizon all the way there. A Nikon D300, DSLR Camera, with a 17-55mm Nikkor lens at a focal length of 1w mm was made 1/1000th second with a F-Stop of f/2.8 and an ISO 400 setting the white balance was set using the camera’s Sunny Day setting.

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