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We're First-to-Market With Atomicals, Stamps, Runes and Doginals Inscription Token Standards Across Our Web3 Wallet and Marketplace

Today we announced that we will be the first to launch support for four new inscription token standards on our platform, with Atomicals (ARC-20), Stamps (SRC-20), Runes and Dogecoin's Doginals (DRC-20) to be added to our Web3 Wallet, and DRC-20 and ARC-20 to be added to our Marketplace in the coming weeks. These integrations will help build the leading one-stop inscriptions ecosystem in Web3.

On February 5, our wallet will begin integrating Bitcoin token standard SRC-20, enabling users to view and transfer inscription standards. In late February, we will integrate ARC-20 and DRC-20 and Rune Alpha. Our marketplace will also integrate the DRC-20 and ARC-20 standards in late February, giving millions of users the ability to buy and sell DRC-20 and ARC-20 inscriptions with zero fees. After the Bitcoin halving, support for Runes will come online.

Our wallet's inscriptions tool currently supports inscriptions minting on 23 networks, including Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche-C, Arbitrum One, and many others.

With these enhancements, our marketplace will be the industry's largest inscriptions marketplace featuring zero-fee trading across an expanding roster of token standards.

Our inscription offering is the industry's most advanced with hex error checking, liquidity across multiple inscription standards, bulk inscription capabilities and automatic error detection. This zero-fee trading experience across chains unlocks the power of inscriptions for everyday users across major blockchains to help drive adoption and power the next phase of Web3 growth.

Learn more about minting, buying and selling inscriptions at

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