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Trust and Transparency: The Keys to Unlocking Crypto's Potential in Brazil

I'm thrilled to see the overwhelming optimism Brazilians have towards crypto's potential to transform finance and other industries. Our recent OKX Brazil Survey found that 91% of surveyed crypto users believe crypto can revolutionize these sectors.

It's clear that crypto is gaining strong momentum. However, for wider adoption, the survey shows trust and transparency remain pivotal. Over 90% of Brazilian crypto users say clarity around security safeguards can increase their confidence to invest. I understand these concerns. Crypto is still maturing and users deserve full transparency.

That's why we proudly publish our Proof-of-Reserves every month. We also utilize industry-leading security practices to keep users' funds safe. Providing this reassurance helps more Brazilians discover the greater financial freedom crypto offers over traditional banking - which 85% agreed with.

As adoption grows, we remain committed to building trust and working closely with cryptoeconomy associations like ABcripto to advance adoption in Brazil to tackle policy issues and promote best practices. We aim to unlock crypto's immense potential in Brazil so opportunities stretch far beyond finance into exciting areas like NFTs, GameFi, the metaverse and more.

It's an incredibly promising time, and I can't wait to see what the future holds as we accelerate towards mainstream adoption!

Guilherme Sacamone

OKX Brazil General Manager

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