Query Transaction Status#

Query the final transaction status of a single-chain swap using txhash.

Request URL#


Request Parameters#

chainIdStringYesChain ID (e.g., 1: Ethereum, see Chain ID List)
txHashStringYesTransaction hash for a swap initiated via OKX DEX API
isFromMyProjectBooleanNoSet true to check if the transaction is under the current API Key. Set false or omit to query any OKX DEX API transaction.

Response Parameters#

chainIdStringUnique identifier of the chain (e.g., 1: Ethereum, see Chain ID List).
txHashStringTransaction hash.
heightStringBlock height where the transaction occurred.
txTimeStringTransaction time in Unix timestamp (milliseconds).
statusStringTransaction status: pending (In Progress), success (Success), failure (Failure).
txTypeStringTransaction action: Approve, Wrap, Unwrap, Swap.
fromAddressStringSender's address.
dexRouterStringInteraction address.
toAddressStringReceiver's address.
fromTokenDetailsArrayDetails of the token being swapped.
>symbolStringSymbol of the token being swapped.
>amountStringSwap amount in the smallest unit (e.g., wei for Ethereum).
>tokenAddressStringContract address of the token being swapped (e.g., 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEee...).
toTokenDetailsArrayDetails of the token received in the swap.
>symbolStringSymbol of the token received.
>amountStringAmount received in the smallest unit.
>tokenAddressStringContract address of the received token (e.g., 0xa0b86991c6218b36...).
referalAmountStringReferral fee amount.
errorMsgStringError message.
gasLimitStringGas limit for the transaction.
gasUsedStringGas used in the transaction, in the smallest unit (e.g., wei).
gasPriceStringGas price in the smallest unit (e.g., wei).
txFeeStringTransaction fee, in the main chain currency.

Request Example#

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PROJECT: 86af********d1bc' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-KEY: 37c541a1-****-****-****-10fe7a038418' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-SIGN: leaV********3uw=' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE: 1****6' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP: 2023-10-18T12:21:41.274Z'

Response example#

    "code": "0",
    "data": {
        "chainId": "784",
        "dexRouter": "0x51159f25f262ae01e87532b673de3b38df8f0ecc2dc0581f1033df6b84b84955",
        "errorMsg": "",
        "fromAddress": "0x4b9df646075d8621e2578f14818427e4c708709744ea3b827136056f85f88da7",
        "fromTokenDetails": {
            "amount": "892919000000.000",
            "symbol": "HIPPO",
            "tokenAddress": "0x8993129d72e733985f7f1a00396cbd055bad6f817fee36576ce483c8bbb8b87b::sudeng::SUDENG"
        "gasLimit": "",
        "gasPrice": "",
        "gasUsed": "",
        "height": "99502953",
        "referralAmount": "892919000",
        "status": "success",
        "toAddress": "0x4b9df646075d8621e2578f14818427e4c708709744ea3b827136056f85f88da7",
        "toTokenDetails": {
            "amount": "1532443840.00000000",
            "symbol": "SUI",
            "tokenAddress": "0x2::sui::SUI"
        "txFee": "7976416",
        "txHash": "5GePcvqEakoUtArW8PHULDSQds95vcgeiTznvbnb8hCV",
        "txTime": "1736390263909",
        "txType": "swap"
    "msg": ""