OKX Grow Product Fee Structure

Publicado a 14/11/2023

OKX Grow Products may have certain operation and maintenance costs and disbursements. Therefore, when you subscribe to OKX Grow products, the following fees may apply:

Service fees: Our costs for maintaining and managing the infrastructure and operations in relation to the provision of the product Commission fees: OKX's share of the revenue earmedsharing percentage in relation to OKX's split on the onchain/lend reward/earn Gas fees: the transaction fee for interacting and paying on the blockchain network Insurance fund: The platform acts as a credit guarantee to help users underwrite losses brought by liquidation risks.

Type Product Name Service fee Commission fee Gas fee Insurance fund

Simple earn
Flexible / 15%
Fixed term / 15%

Onchain earn
ETH Staking 5% /
DeFi Product /
Onchain staking SOL:1% /

Dual investment / /
Shark Fin / /
Snow ball / /
Seagull / /

Note: All fees shall be collected from the gross revenue of the product and deducted before the revenue is distributed to users.