- EVM smart contract
- Deployment
- Contract verification
- KIP standard
- Contract development FAQs
- WASM smart contract
Transaction related actions#
1. Upload a wasm binary#
# upload the wasm code to OKTC and you will get a code id.
# e.g.
# <path_to_wasm_file>=./cw-plus/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/cw20_base.wasm
# <from_address_or_name>=ex1h0j8x0v9hs4eq6ppgamemfyu4vuvp2sl0q9p3v
# <fees>=0.01okt
# <gas>=3000000
exchaincli tx wasm store <path_to_wasm_file> --from <from_address_or_name> --fees <fees> --gas <gas> -b block -y
2. Instantiate a wasm contract#
# Instantiate a contract with the uploaded code. We can use the code we upload in previous step.
# e.g.
# <code_id>=1
# <instantiate_message>
# <label>=test (label can be any human readable string)
# <admin_address>=ex1h0j8x0v9hs4eq6ppgamemfyu4vuvp2sl0q9p3v (usually same as <from_address_or_name>)
# <from_address_or_name>=ex1h0j8x0v9hs4eq6ppgamemfyu4vuvp2sl0q9p3v
# <fees>=0.01okt
# <gas>=3000000
exchaincli tx wasm instantiate <code_id> <instantiate_message> --label <label> --admin <admin_address> --from <from_address_or_name> --fees <fees> --gas <gas> -b block -y
3. Execute a command on a wasm contract#
# Call the contract with execute message defined in schema json.
# e.g.
# <contract_address>=ex1eyfccmjm6732k7wp4p6gdjwhxjwsvje44j0hfx8nkgrm8fs7vqfsfxfyxv
# <execute_message>=?
# <admin_address>=ex1h0j8x0v9hs4eq6ppgamemfyu4vuvp2sl0q9p3v (usually same as <from_address_or_name>)
# <from_address_or_name>=ex1h0j8x0v9hs4eq6ppgamemfyu4vuvp2sl0q9p3v
# <fees>=0.01okt
# <gas>=3000000
exchaincli tx wasm execute <contract_address> <execute_message> --from <from_address_or_name> --fees <fees> --gas <gas> -b block -y
4. Migrate a wasm contract to a new code version#
# migrate contract to new code id, <instantiate_message> is the instantiate message of the new code defined in json schema
# e.g.
# <contractAddr>=ex1eyfccmjm6732k7wp4p6gdjwhxjwsvje44j0hfx8nkgrm8fs7vqfsfxfyxv
# <new_code_id>=2
# <instantiate_message>="" (refer to the schema file)
# <from_address_or_name>=ex1h0j8x0v9hs4eq6ppgamemfyu4vuvp2sl0q9p3v
# <fees>=0.01okt
# <gas>=3000000
exchaincli tx wasm migrate <contractAddr> <new_code_id> <instantiate_message> --from <from_address_or_name> --fees <fees> --gas <gas> -b block -y
5. Set new admin for a contract#
# transfer admin to a new address
# e.g.
# <contractAddr>=ex1eyfccmjm6732k7wp4p6gdjwhxjwsvje44j0hfx8nkgrm8fs7vqfsfxfyxv
# <new_admin_address>=ex190227rqaps5nplhg2tg8hww7slvvquzy0qa0l0
# <admin_address>=ex1h0j8x0v9hs4eq6ppgamemfyu4vuvp2sl0q9p3v
# <fees>=0.01okt
# <gas>=3000000
exchaincli tx wasm set-contract-admin <contractAddr> <new_admin_address> --from <admin_address> --fees <fees> --gas <gas> -b block -y
6. Clear admin for a contract to prevent further migrations#
# clear admin of the contract
# e.g.
# <contractAddr>=ex1eyfccmjm6732k7wp4p6gdjwhxjwsvje44j0hfx8nkgrm8fs7vqfsfxfyxv
# <admin_address>=ex1h0j8x0v9hs4eq6ppgamemfyu4vuvp2sl0q9p3v
# <fees>=0.01okt
# <gas>=3000000
exchaincli tx wasm clear-contract-admin <contractAddr> --from <admin_address> --fees <fees> --gas <gas> -b block -y
Query related actions#
1. Query all code information on the chain, including code_id, uploader address, code_hash and contract initialization authority#
exchaincli query wasm list-code
2. Query all contracts corresponding to a given code id (a single wasm code can initialize multiple contracts)#
# e.g.
# <code_id>=1
exchaincli query wasm list-contract-by-code <code_id>
3. Download wasm code to local#
# Download wasm bytecode and save to file
# e.g.
# <code_id>=1
# <filename>=test.wasm
exchaincli query wasm code <code_id> <filename>
4. Query code information, including code_id, uploader address, code_hash and contract initialization authority#
# e.g.
# <code_id>=1
exchaincli query wasm code-info <code_id>
5. Query contract information, including the code id, code uploader address, admin account and other information respective to the contract#
# e.g.
# <contract_address>=ex14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s6fqu27
exchaincli query wasm contract <contract_address>
6. Query the history of contract actions, including contract initialization actions and contract upgrade actions#
# e.g.
# <contract_address>=ex14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s6fqu27
exchaincli query wasm contract-history <contract_address>
7. Query contract status#
- List all status information of this contract
# e.g.
# <contract_address>=ex14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s6fqu27
exchaincli query wasm contract-state all <contract_address>
- Specify query parameters to query the status of the contract
# e.g.
# <contract_address>=ex14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9s6fqu27
# <query_message>='{"balance":{"address":"ex190227rqaps5nplhg2tg8hww7slvvquzy0qa0l0"}}'
# you should refer to the schema file for query message
exchaincli query wasm contract-state smart <contract_address> <query_message>
8. List all pinned codes#
exchaincli query wasm pinned
9. Query version number of wasmvm#
exchaincli query wasm libwasmvm-version