Civil War: Photographs of Matthew Brady
Mathew Brady (1823-1896) was a prolific photographer of the nineteenth century who created a visual documentation of the American Civil War. During the war period (1861-1865), Brady and his associates traveled throughout the eastern United States and captured the effects of war through photographs of soldiers, battlefields, and the ruins and bodies that they left behind. Additionally, Brady kept studios in Washington, DC and New York City where he photographed many influential politicians and war heroes of the time.
This collection includes a selection of 1200 of Brady's photographs (1100 with 10 copies each and 100 with only one copy) from the US National Archives series: Mathew Brady Photographs of Civil War-Era Personalities and Scenes, compiled 1921 - 1940, documenting the period 1860 - 1865.
Source: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NAID: 524418, Local ID: 111-B)
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Atlanta Fortifications #106

Ultimul preț 5 POL

Broadway Landing, Appomattox River, VA #158

Ultimul preț 3 POL

Camp Scene 527553 #207

Ultimul preț 6,5 POL

Camp Scene, 7th NY Cavalry #213

Ultimul preț 1,5 POL

Camp scene, 22nd N.Y. Volunteers, Lt. J.T. Baldwin #216

Ultimul preț 1,5 POL

Camp Scene, Ladies in Camp #218

Ultimul preț 1,5 POL

Canal in Richmond, VA #225

Ultimul preț 3,44 POL

Clara Louise Kellogg #275

Ultimul preț 2,2 POL

Company, 44th Indiana Infantry #373

Ultimul preț 3 POL

Group of 33rd Infantry #791

Ultimul preț 2,99 POL

Hon. Francis E. Spinner, N.Y. Treasurer, U.S #875

Ultimul preț 1,5 POL

Jefferson Davis, President, C.S.A #933

Ultimul preț 1,5 POL

Part of Grant's lines, Petersburg, Va #1017

Ultimul preț 2,33 POL

Hon. Charles Sumner, Mass #866

Ultimul preț 1,22 POL

Lieut. Governor Dunn, LA #949

Ultimul preț 10,5 POL

Loyal planter's house, Lookout Mt #960

Ultimul preț 5,22 POL

Col. James E. McMahon, 164th N.Y. Inf #321

Ultimul preț 13,5 POL

Col. James P. McMahon and group at headquarters of 164th N.Y. Inf. #322

Ultimul preț 6,5 POL
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Civil War: Photographs of Matthew Brady are în total 11.110 NFT-uri, care deținute de 1.599 portofele diferite.
Prețul minim pentru acest proiect este de 9 POL și nu au existat tranzacții în ultimele 24 de ore. Prin urmare, ar trebui să aveți minimum 9 POL în portofel pentru a finaliza achiziția.