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Now Live: Our 'The Genesis of Smart Trading' Campaign Featuring 100,000+ USDT Prize Pool and Token Airdrops

Today, we are excited to announce the launch of our 'The Genesis of Smart Trading' campaign. This campaign features a prize pool worth over 100,000 USDT and exclusive token airdrops for eligible users.

Our campaign began on February 26 at 4:00 PM (UTC) and will end on March 31 at 23:59 PM (UTC). The goal of 'The Genesis of Smart Trading' is to showcase our three core automated trading solutions, now positioned under a new product category, 'Smart Trading.' These solutions include:

  • Copy Trading, which allows users to replicate the strategies of top-performing 'lead traders.'

  • Signal Trading, a trading bot and marketplace offering automated strategies based on technical analysis, or 'signals,' that can suggest when to buy or sell crypto.

  • Strategy Trading, which gives users the ability to use programmed algorithms to execute trades automatically based on specific trading strategies.

To join 'The Genesis of Smart Trading,' users simply need to click 'Join the Genesis' on our campaign's landing page and start using our Copy Trading, Signal Trading, and/or Strategy Trading solutions. New users who complete KYC and use any of our Smart Trading products are eligible to claim a share in a prize pool that can reach up to 59,500 USDT. Once all participants collectively achieve a trading volume of US$600 million, they will also have the opportunity to claim a share of a SOL token prize pool worth 60,000 USDT.

In addition, all eligible campaign participants will have the opportunity to mint a Smart Trading NFT. Holders of this NFT will be eligible for future token airdrops, or increased airdrop quantities; this applies to any future Smart Trading campaigns with an airdrop mechanism or an external token partner. As an added bonus, the first 1,000 new users of our Grid Bots will receive 20 USDT in loss protection. With Grid Bots, our eligible users can automate their trading by setting up a grid of buy and sell orders based on a predefined set of parameters.

Our Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "Our Smart Trading products provide easy-to-use, automated solutions that simplify the trading process for new and seasoned traders alike. This campaign underscores our commitment to innovation in crypto's automated trading solutions space and serves as a testament to our dedication in providing better risk-adjusted returns for our users. We look forward to seeing our users embrace the future of trading with us."

We recently announced the launch of our 'Solana Super Season' campaign, which consists of an ongoing series of promotions and competitions across the OKX Web3 and CeFi platforms. 'Solana Super Season' is designed to reward users who interact with the Solana ecosystem with a share of a prize pool worth up to US$150,000.

Please note that not all products are available in all regions. We reserve the right to determine and amend the rules of the campaign at any time without further notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, or terminating this campaign, modifying the eligibility conditions for users participating in the campaign, and adjusting the campaign and reward rules. For the campaign's full terms and conditions, please refer to our website.

Данный контент размещен исключительно в ознакомительных целях и может относиться к продуктам, недоступным в вашем регионе. Контент не является (i) советами или рекомендациями по инвестициям; (ii) предложением или приглашением купить, продать или удерживать криптовалюту и цифровые активы; (iii) финансовыми, бухгалтерскими, юридическими или налоговыми советами. Криптовалюта и цифровые активы, в частности стейблкоины и NFT, несут высокие риски и могут сильно колебаться в цене. Нужно тщательно взвесить оправданность торговли криптовалютой и цифровыми активами или владения ими с учетом финансового положения. При возникновении вопросов, связанных с конкретной ситуацией, рекомендуем проконсультироваться у юридического, налогового или инвестиционного специалиста. Информация в статье, в том числе статистика и рыночные данные (при их наличии), предназначена только для общего ознакомления. Несмотря на все старания при подготовке данных и графиков, мы не несем ответственности ни за какие содержащиеся в них ошибки или упущения. На кошелек OKX Web3 и Маркетплейс OKX NFT распространяются отдельные условия обслуживания, которые приведены на сайте www.okx.com.
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