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OKX to Power Web3 Innovation as a Sponsor of Consensus 2023-Affiliated Hackathon 'Web3athon'

VICTORIA, SEYCHELLES, APRIL 13, 2023 – OKT Chain (OKTC), the EVM and Wasm-compatible chain backed by OKX, the world’s second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume, has announced its sponsorship of the upcoming Web3athon event taking place in conjunction with Consensus 2023.

Organized by Coindesk, Hackerearth, and Alchemy, the event is set to take place online from April 17 to May 31, with additional offline activities taking place at Consensus 2023 in Austin, Texas. Following the success of the 2022 Web3athon event, which was the largest multi-chain hack to date, this year's event promises to be even bigger and better, bringing together over 5,000 developers from around the world to create new decentralized applications.

At the event, OKTC will also be hosting online and offline workshops to explore the chain's cutting-edge Wasm and EVM interoperability capabilities and introduce the wider OKTC ecosystem.

The Web3athon sponsorship is just one of OKTC's initiatives to support developers and provide them with the tools, resources, and support they need to bring their ideas to life and drive innovation in the blockchain space.

OKX and OKT Chain's dedication to building developer communities

OKT Chain’s sponsorship of the Web3athon event aligns with its vision of empowering individuals and organizations to adopt blockchain technology and foster a decentralized future.

OKT Chain recently hosted a successful hackathon with Google Cloud, attracting over 200 attendees and 46 teams who submitted 32 projects showcasing the potential of decentralized, blockchain-based applications to transform various industries. By supporting these events and hosting similar developer-focused events in the future, OKT Chain aims to establish a stronger and more connected community of developers within the rapidly evolving Web3 ecosystem.

OKTC has recently integrated the Wasm Virtual Machine (WasmVM) and launched an internal bridge to connect EVM and WASM in a single public chain, making it more accessible to Web2 developers who are familiar with Wasm-supported languages to kickstart building on OKTC as well as enable projects running on Wasm to seamlessly transition onto OKTC.

With over 400 projects already deployed on OKTC, and over 139 million transactions and over 100 million addresses, OKTC is primed for greater growth and success. Through events like the Web3athon and other developer-focused initiatives, OKT Chain aims to create a stronger community where developers can learn from each other, collaborate, and innovate using the cutting-edge capabilities of OKTC.

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