Bitcoin SV 价格

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Bitcoin SV 市场信息

市值是通过流通总应量与最新价格相乘进行计算。市值 = 当前流通量 × 最新价
19,814,816 BSV
24 小时最高
24 小时最低

Bitcoin SV 价格表现 (美元)

Bitcoin SV 当前价格为 $51.2900。Bitcoin SV 的价格从 00:00 (UTC+8) 下跌了 -1.42%。目前,Bitcoin SV 市值排名为第 68 名,实时市值为 $10.17亿,流通供应量为 19,814,816 BSV,最大供应量为 21,000,000 BSV。我们会实时更新 Bitcoin SV/USD 的价格。
7 天
30 天
3 个月

关于 Bitcoin SV (BSV)

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Bitcoin SV (BSV) is a digital currency that emerged in 2018 as a result of a hard fork from the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain. It is intended to be a more scalable and efficient version of Bitcoin, featuring a bigger block size and quicker transaction speeds.

What is Bitcoin SV

As a fork of Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV boasts a block size of 2 gigabytes, significantly surpassing Bitcoin's 1-megabyte block size. Its increased transaction processing capacity enables it to achieve greater scalability.

Bitcoin SV team

The team behind Bitcoin SV comprises developers, entrepreneurs, and advocates dedicated to enhancing the scalability, efficiency, and eco-friendliness of the BSV cryptocurrency. Craig Wright, an Australian computer scientist, leads the team at Bitcoin SV.

How does BSV work

  1. BSV transactions are processed only on the BSV blockchain. The BSV blockchain is a decentralized ledger that a group of miners upholds.
  2. Miners on the BSV blockchain receive BSV tokens as a reward for validating transactions. Mining is the term used to describe the process of verifying transactions.
  3. The BSV blockchain is secured through a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism. The Proof of Work system is designed to guarantee that only legitimate transactions are included in the blockchain.
  4. BSV tokens can be securely stored in wallets. Wallets are software programs that enable users to store, send, and receive cryptocurrency. 

BSV utility token 

The name of the utility token for Bitcoin SV is BSV. BSV is intended to be a more scalable and efficient iteration of Bitcoin, featuring a greater block size and quicker transaction speeds.

BSV tokenomics 

BSV has a total supply of 21 million tokens, just like Bitcoin. Each block rewards 6.25 BSV tokens and has a block time of 6 seconds, and transaction fees are usually very low.

How to stake BSV

To stake BSV, you must first select a staking service. Users can stake BSV on OKX Earn, which provides an estimated one percent APY on flexible terms for staking. You can begin earning rewards immediately and have the option to unstake your BSV at any time.

Distribution of BSV 

  • 18.4 million BSV tokens were initially distributed to Bitcoin (BTC) holders who had kept their BTC on the Bitcoin Cash chain before the hard fork on November 15, 2018.
  • BSV tokens are generated through a process known as mining. The BSV blockchain rewards miners with BSV for their efforts in verifying transactions.
  • BSV can be earned through staking as well. Staking involves locking up BSV to participate in the consensus mechanism that safeguards the BSV blockchain.

Bitcoin SV's future expansion plans

  • Bitcoin SV is striving to enhance its adoption among businesses and individuals. This involves collaborating with companies to facilitate the acceptance of BSV as a mode of payment and with individuals to impart knowledge about BSV and its possibilities.
  • They're also focused on expanding the BSV ecosystem. This involves the creation of novel applications and services that utilize BSV and collaborating with other businesses to incorporate BSV into their offerings.

BSV 常见问题

Bitcoin SV 今天值多少钱?
目前,一个 Bitcoin SV 价值是 $51.2900。如果您想要了解 Bitcoin SV 价格走势与行情洞察,那么这里就是您的最佳选择。在欧易探索最新的 Bitcoin SV 图表,进行专业交易。
数字货币,例如 Bitcoin SV 是在称为区块链的公共分类账上运行的数字资产。了解有关欧易上提供的数字货币和代币及其不同属性的更多信息,其中包括实时价格和实时图表。
由于 2008 年金融危机,人们对去中心化金融的兴趣激增。比特币作为去中心化网络上的安全数字资产提供了一种新颖的解决方案。从那时起,许多其他代币 (例如 Bitcoin SV) 也诞生了。
Bitcoin SV 的价格今天会涨吗?
查看 Bitcoin SV 价格预测页面,预测未来价格,帮助您设定价格目标。
本页面的社交内容 (包括由 LunarCrush 提供支持的推文和社交统计数据) 均来自第三方,并按“原样”提供,仅供参考。本文内容不代表对任何数字货币或投资的认可或推荐,也未获得欧易授权或撰写,也不代表我们的观点。我们不保证所显示的用户生成内容的准确性或可靠性。本文不应被解释为财务或投资建议。在做出投资决策之前,评估您的投资经验、财务状况、投资目标和风险承受能力并咨询独立财务顾问至关重要。过去的表现并不代表未来的结果。您的投资价值可能会波动,您可能无法收回您投资的金额。您对自己的投资选择自行承担全部责任,我们对因使用本信息而造成的任何损失或损害不承担任何责任。提供外部网站链接是为了用户方便,并不意味着对其内容的认可或控制。请参阅我们的 使用条款风险警告,了解更多详情。