
OKX switch McLaren MCL60 race car to Stealth Mode for the Singapore Grand Prix

OKX McLaren Stealth Mode PR Reveal English

SINGAPORE, 13 September 2023 - McLaren Racing and OKX, a leading Web3 technology company and Official Primary Partner of the McLaren Formula 1 Team, today revealed a limited-edition Stealth Mode livery design to be carried on the McLaren MCL60 F1 cars at the 2023 Singapore Grand Prix (15-17 September) and the 2023 Japanese Grand Prix (22-24 September).

OKX-McLaren Livery Reveal

The Stealth Mode livery was co-designed by OKX and McLaren, and will switch McLaren’s livery colourway, augmenting black against the team’s classic papaya trim. The sleek and understated design represents the two brands’ belief in putting in hard work behind the scenes to strive for excellence, while embracing change and innovation.

OKX-McLaren Livery Side Image

The MCL60 was revealed in Stealth Mode on Wednesday 13 September at an exclusive media event in Singapore at Lantern, Fullerton Bay Hotel. The event was attended by OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique, McLaren F1 Team drivers Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri, and McLaren Racing Executive Director, Partnerships & Accelerator, Matt Dennington.

Accelerating Web3 - OKX-McLaren Wing

A limited-edition t-shirt will be made available through the McLaren Store, and at a limited giveaway for attendees of Token2049, the Web3 conference taking place in Singapore prior to the race.

To bring fans closer to Stealth Mode, OKX will host a McLaren-themed fan zone, OKX Race Club, at Chijmes, Singapore. The OKX Race Club will run from Thursday 14 September to Sunday 17 September, featuring a Stealth Mode show car, racing simulators, giveaways and surprise guests over the race weekend. This will be officially opened at 14:00 SGT on Thursday 14 September, and free tickets are available here.

Zak Brown, CEO, McLaren Racing, said:

“Our partnership with OKX goes from strength to strength, and it’s fantastic to celebrate it with this incredible livery. Stealth Mode flips our race car’s colours, bringing something exciting and different to these two great races in Singapore and Japan. We hope fans will love it as much as we do and get a chance to enjoy the fan zone to connect with our team. OKX are a dedicated supporter of McLaren’s journey, and in turn we’re proud to bring our partnership to life on track through the global platform of Formula 1.”

Haider Rafique, Chief Marketing Officer, OKX, said:

"Success on the track, and in the Web3 world, is only possible through teamwork, creativity and innovation. Stealth Mode is inspired by these common principles. It’s also a way for us to celebrate the return of F1 to the Asia Pacific region, which is the epicentre of Web3 in many ways. As Stealth Mode hits the track this weekend we wish the best of luck to Lando and Oscar in what we hope will be a strong performing MCL60."

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