查询特定 Tx#
根据 txHash 查询某个交易的详情。
钱包 API 将一笔交易和其中的内部交易都分解成子交易,并根据变动的资产类型给出了不同的子交易类型:
: 外层主链币转移 1
: 合约内层主链币转移 2
: token转移请求路径#
GET https://www.okx.com/api/v5/wallet/post-transaction/transaction-detail-by-txhash
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
chainIndex | String | Yes | 链唯一标识 |
txHash | String | Yes | 交易哈希 |
iType | String | No | EVM 交易的层级类型 0 :外层主链币转移 1 :合约内层主链币转移 2 :token转移 |
Parameter | Type | Description |
chainIndex | String | 链的唯一标识 |
height | String | 交易发生的区块高度 |
txTime | String | 交易时间;Unix时间戳的毫秒数格式 |
txhash | String | 交易哈希 |
txStatus | String | 交易状态 1 :pending 确认中 2 :success:成功 3 :fail:失败 |
gasLimit | String | gas限额 |
gasUsed | String | gas消耗 |
gasPrice | String | gas价格 |
txFee | String | 交易手续费 |
nonce | String | nonce |
amount | String | 交易数量 |
symbol | String | 交易数量对应的币种简称 |
methodId | String | 合约调用函数 |
fromDetails | Array | 交易输入详情 |
>address | String | 发送/输入地址 |
>vinIndex | String | 位于当前交易输入的序号 |
>preVoutIndex | String | 位于上一笔输出里的序号 |
>txhash | String | 交易哈希,和 prevoutIndex 一起唯一确认输入的 UTXO |
> isContract | Boolean | 发送地址是否是合约地址 true:是 ;false:否 |
> amount | String | 交易数量 |
toDetails | Array | 交易输出详情 |
>address | String | 接收/输出地址 |
>voutIndex | String | 输出的序号 |
> isContract | Boolean | 接收地址是否是合约地址 true:是 ;false:否 |
> amount | String | 交易数量 |
internalTransactionDetails | Array | 内部交易详情 |
> from | String | 交易发送方的地址 |
> to | String | 交易接受方的地址 |
> isFromContract | Boolean | from地址是否是合约地址 |
> isToContract | Boolean | to地址是否是合约地址 |
> amount | String | 交易数量 |
>txStatus | String | 交易状态 |
tokenTransferDetails | Array | 代币交易详情 |
> from | String | 交易发送方的地址 |
> to | String | 交易接受方的地址 |
> isFromContract | Boolean | from地址是否是合约地址 |
> isToContract | Boolean | to地址是否是合约地址 |
> tokenContractAddress | String | 代币合约地址 |
> symbol | String | 交易代币的简称 |
> amount | String | 交易数量 |
l1OriginHash | String | L1执行的交易哈希 |
curl --location --request GET 'https://www.okx.com/api/v5/wallet/post-transaction/transaction-detail-by-txhash?txHash=0x9ab8ccccc9f778ea91ce4c0f15517672c4bd06d166e830da41ba552e744d29a5&chainIndex=42161' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PROJECT: 86af********d1bc' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-KEY: 37c541a1-****-****-****-10fe7a038418' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-SIGN: leaV********3uw=' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE: 1****6' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP: 2023-10-18T12:21:41.274Z'
以 ETH 为例
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"chainIndex": "42161",
"height": "245222398",
"txTime": "1724253417000",
"txhash": "0x9ab8ccccc9f778ea91ce4c0f15517672c4bd06d166e830da41ba552e744d29a5",
"gasLimit": "2000000",
"gasUsed": "2000000",
"gasPrice": "10000000",
"txFee": "",
"nonce": "0",
"symbol": "ETH",
"amount": "0",
"txStatus": "success",
"methodId": "0xc9f95d32",
"l1OriginHash": "0xa6a87ba2f18cc32bbae8f3b2253a29a9617ed1eb0940d80443f6e3bf9873dbad",
"fromDetails": [
"address": "0xd297fa914353c44b2e33ebe05f21846f1048cfeb",
"vinIndex": "",
"preVoutIndex": "",
"txHash": "",
"isContract": false,
"amount": ""
"toDetails": [
"address": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000006e",
"voutIndex": "",
"isContract": false,
"amount": ""
"internalTransactionDetails": [
"from": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"to": "0xd297fa914353c44b2e33ebe05f21846f1048cfeb",
"isFromContract": false,
"isToContract": false,
"amount": "0.02",
"state": "success"
"from": "0xd297fa914353c44b2e33ebe05f21846f1048cfeb",
"to": "0x428ab2ba90eba0a4be7af34c9ac451ab061ac010",
"isFromContract": false,
"isToContract": false,
"amount": "0.00998",
"state": "success"
"from": "0xd297fa914353c44b2e33ebe05f21846f1048cfeb",
"to": "0x428ab2ba90eba0a4be7af34c9ac451ab061ac010",
"isFromContract": false,
"isToContract": false,
"amount": "0.009977946366846017",
"state": "success"
"tokenTransferDetails": []
以 BTC 为例
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"chainIndex": "0",
"height": "858056",
"txTime": "1724403746000",
"txhash": "0538eec298699ff4b7cc07163c7216c48fe40caed492a3c655382bf0ae63db1a",
"gasLimit": "",
"gasUsed": "",
"gasPrice": "",
"txFee": "",
"nonce": "",
"symbol": "BTC",
"amount": "",
"txStatus": "success",
"methodId": "",
"l1OriginHash": "",
"fromDetails": [
"address": "bc1py4kmmdsae08zd6jlfdkcr9gzagxrs3z5elw2hjyc5u883a8ah7ps98s0mn",
"vinIndex": "0",
"preVoutIndex": "1",
"txHash": "b7b1460db2e7fff53cb1da10ad5351bd9a684668f21968a6b292dfe019605c4c",
"isContract": false,
"amount": "0.00001296"
"toDetails": [
"address": "bc1p7pgnqe87red4cvd7ml6rh9pl9ufpr522k2y3dpeyrvfc6g2g3r3s3ae9dr",
"voutIndex": "0",
"isContract": false,
"amount": "0.00000546"
"internalTransactionDetails": [],
"tokenTransferDetails": []