- Block hash:0x3bf5f029f8c12a85ad752c9f230442f8c228b8cc3f57d76a0532f70950ac4bcc
- Confirmed:4,289,646
- Time:23/06/2023، 15:38:23(1 year 7 months ago)
- Transactions:This block contains 132 txns and 84 internal txns and 186 token transfers and 8 NFT transfers
- Withdrawal txn:withdrawal transaction(s)16
- Block rewards:ETH0.04265382286117927(0ETH+ETH0.28104322797750053-)ETH0.23838940511632126
- Difficulty:58,750,003,716,598,352,816,469
- Block size:bytes355,181
- Gas used:17,486,405(58.29%)16.58% Gas target
- Gas limit:30,000,000
- Avg. Gas price:ETH (0.000000016072098752Gwei)16.07209875
- Base fee per Gas:ETH (0.000000013632842492Gwei)13.63284249
- Burned fee:🔥ETH0.23838940511632126
- Additional data:by @builder0x69(0x627920406275696c64657230783639)
- Blob txn:0 Blob transaction(s)
- Parent block hash:
- State root:0x7fd6df950cd1be15b60bba226633303cd593d17ad8b238444592355b40a6d6d1
- Withdrawals Root:--
- Nonce:0