- Block hash:0x92e5444cca0939235ef169c1575a5f2f5d12cd2b93deb7d2c6af0027c53ddff3
- Confirmed:54,944
- Time:03/02/2025، 08:28:11(7 days ago)
- Transactions:This block contains 336 txns and 1,106 internal txns and 281 token transfers and 3 NFT transfers
- Withdrawal txn:withdrawal transaction(s)16
- Block rewards:ETH0.05460836700830328(0ETH+ETH0.2937858736592467-)ETH0.23917750665094342
- Difficulty:58,750,003,716,598,352,816,469
- Block size:bytes123,036
- Gas used:21,925,666(72.31%)46.17% Gas target
- Gas limit:30,323,193
- Avg. Gas price:ETH (0.00000001339914594Gwei)13.39914594
- Base fee per Gas:ETH (0.000000010908532109Gwei)10.9085321
- Burned fee:🔥ETH0.23917750665094342
- Additional
- Blob txn:Blob transaction(s)2
- Total Blob size:KiB768
- Total Blob fees:Gwei675.07
- Avg. Blob Gas price:Kwei858.4
- Total Blob Gas used:786,432(100%)
- Blob Gas limit:786,432
- Calldata Gas used:10,733,268
- Calldata fee:ETH0.1692749243325022(times higher compared to Blob Gas fee)250,748
- Parent block hash:
- State root:0x381414d9dc738f7abb85aa97b0fd319f6a775a69620694ac23beb323bdbee1a0
- Withdrawals Root:0x588a01c6aba8337c9f2412c162a66767cbc9355c5a29b197631f8ba5dca16f37
- Nonce:0