Verloop — Dégradé

Verloop — Dégradé

Verloop – Dégradé begins with a creative exchange between Rik Oostenbroek's artistic vision and David Aerne's generative systems. First, Oostenbroek carefully crafted his signature gradients by hand. Aerne then created custom algorithms to transform these gradients into dynamic digital compositions. Through various iterations, the algorithm generated variations that kept the original essence while creating fresh interpretations. The gradients were handpicked by Oostenbroek from numerous algorithmic outputs for the book edition (premiered at the Paris Photo 2024 Art Fair in Grand Palais). He selected them based on their beauty, striking contrasts, or unexpected elements that caught his eye. Each collector is eligible to claim the book edition co-published by Nguyen Wahed & RRose Editions, 2024. ISBN : 978-2-9586199-7-8 Core properties of the algorithm `bookSeed`: The seed used to generate the piece in the book. `gradientName`: String representing the name of the palette used from...
Volume total
Cours plancher
Meilleure offre
4,31 %
Inscrit à la cote
74,82 %
Propriétaires uniques
0 %
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Le cours plancher de ce projet s’élève à 0,11 ETH. Aucune transaction n’a été effectuée au cours des dernières 24 heures. Par conséquent, le solde de votre portefeuille doit être d’au moins 0,11 ETH pour effectuer l’achat.