Query listing#
This endpoint is used to fetch the set of active listings on a given NFT for the Seaport contract.
Request address#
GET https://www.okx.com/api/v5/mktplace/nft/markets/listings
Request param#
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
chain | String | Yes | Chain name refer to Supported blockchains for details |
collectionAddress | String | No | Address of the contract for an NFT |
tokenId | String | No | The token for an NFT |
maker | String | No | Filter by the order makers wallet address |
createAfter | String | No | Only show orders listed after this timestamp; seconds since the UNIX epoch |
createBefore | String | No | Only show orders listed before this timestamp; seconds since the UNIX epoch |
updateAfter | String | No | Only show orders updated before this timestamp; seconds since the UNIX epoch |
updateBefore | String | No | Only show orders updated before this timestamp; seconds since the UNIX epoch |
status | String | No | Filter by the order status; the options are active, inactive, cancelled, and sold |
platform | String | No | For supported platform, refer to Integrated markets |
sort | String | No | How to sort the orders: can be create_time_desc for when they were made, or price_desc to see the highest-priced orders first or price_asc to see the lowest-priced orders first; the default sort is in positive order |
limit | String | No | Number of listings to retrieve. The default value is 50 |
cursor | String | No | A cursor to be supplied as a query param to retrieve a specified page |
Response param#
An array of OKX order model
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderId | String | ID of order |
createTime | Long | The date order was created |
updateTime | Long | The date order was updated |
listingTime | Long | The date order was listed |
expirationTime | Long | The endTime indicates the block timestamp at which the order expires |
status | String | The order status, includes active, cancelled, sold, and inactive |
orderHash | String | The order hash |
protocolData | String | The parameters of order (JSON) |
protocolAddress | String | The contract address for fulfilling the order |
chain | String | Chain name refer to Supported blockchains for details |
maker | String | The wallet address initiating the order |
orderType | String | Offer indicates offer; BuyNow indicates listings |
price | String | Unit price of NFT for the order |
currencyAddress | String | Address of the currency for paying the order |
collectionAddress | String | Address of the contract for an NFT |
tokenId | String | The token for an NFT |
amount | String | Count of NFT for the order |
Request example#
An array of OKX Order Model
curl -X GET "https://www.okx.com/api/v5/mktplace/nft/markets/listings?{REQUEST PARAMS}" \
Response example#
"code": 0,
"data": {
"cursor": "NjE5MTQ0MTM5",
"data": [
"amount": "1",
"chain": "OKTC",
"collectionAddress": "0xe4c0578279269c4f0265bc486c199509566fe863",
"createTime": 1672828395,
"updateTime": 1672828395,
"status": "active",
"currencyAddress": "0x382bb369d343125bfb2117af9c149795c6c65c50",
"expirationTime": 1673433171,
"listingTime": 1672828387,
"maker": "0x5164370b3ba971474d10da1d409ce8872cb8ca97",
"orderHash": "0x5bdaa259cb76ace593f3e631099319f955b48397482e7e4d45c008d985b61ade",
"orderType": "BuyNow",
"price": "1000000000000000",
"protocolAddress": "0x34df5c035e31c0edfd104f3ea83d9548f108df56",
"protocolData": {
"parameters": {
"conduitKey": "0x618Cf13c76c1FFC2168fC47c98453dCc6134F5c8888888888888888888888888",
"consideration": [
"endAmount": "1000000000000000",
"identifierOrCriteria": "0",
"itemType": 1,
"recipient": "0x5164370b3ba971474d10da1d409ce8872cb8ca97",
"startAmount": "1000000000000000",
"token": "0x382bb369d343125bfb2117af9c149795c6c65c50"
"counter": 0,
"endTime": 1673433171,
"offer": [
"endAmount": "1",
"identifierOrCriteria": "17230",
"itemType": 2,
"startAmount": "1",
"token": "0xe4c0578279269c4f0265bc486c199509566fe863"
"offerer": "0x5164370b3ba971474d10da1d409ce8872cb8ca97",
"orderType": 2,
"salt": "27454607645473204",
"startTime": 1672828387,
"totalOriginalConsiderationItems": 1,
"zone": "0xa472fAd4B6cAdFDEd63f7aE5BFEe6eCf4F08Ae95",
"zoneHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"signature": "0x"
"tokenId": "17230"
"msg": ""