Get Runes listing#
This API is used to get listings on OKX Runes, supporting retrieving specific collection listing information by runesId.
Request address#
Request parameters#
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
runesId | String | Yes | runesId, the unique identifier for the runes token |
cursor | String | No | Cursor pointing to the sorting sequence to retrieve (maximum 1,000) |
limit | Integer | No | Pagination size (default value 10, maximum 100). Returns the maximum number of orders |
sortBy | String | No | Order sorting rule, default is ascending unit price (unitPriceAsc). Sorting enum: unitPriceAsc, unitPriceDesc, totalPriceAsc, totalPriceDesc, listedTimeAsc, listedTimeDesc |
Response parameters#
Parameter | Type | Description |
assetId | Integer | id (DB primary key, no actual meaning) |
tickerType | String | Token type (4-Runes) |
ticker | Integer | Token name |
tickerId | String | Token id |
ownerAddress | String | Wallet address |
amount | String | XRC20 amount in the UTXO |
chain | Integer | Chain |
inscriptionNum | String | Inscription number |
utxoTxHash | String | Transaction hash |
utxoVout | Integer | utxoVout |
utxoValue | String | utxoValue |
txHash | String | Transaction hash |
name | String | Token name |
tickerIcon | String | Token icon link |
status | Integer | Listing status (0-unlisted, 1-listed, 2-pending) |
listTime | Long | Listing time |
orderId | Long | Order id |
confirmations | Long | Block height information |
currency | String | Total price - currency |
currencyUrl | String | Total price - currency URL |
satPrice | BigDecimal | Total price in sat |
price | BigDecimal | Total price in BTC |
usdPrice | BigDecimal | Total price in USD |
currency | String | Unit price - currency |
currencyUrl | String | Unit price - currency URL |
satPrice | BigDecimal | Unit price in sat |
price | BigDecimal | Unit price in BTC |
usdPrice | BigDecimal | Unit price in USD |
unavailable | Integer | 1 - UTXO contains multiple Atomicals assets; 2 - UTXO contains multiple protocol assets |
symbol | String | Symbol |
Request example#
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-KEY: XXXX' \
Response example#
"code": 0,
"data": {
"cursor": "1",
"items": [
"amount": "889806",
"assetId": "28734126488062286",
"chain": 0,
"confirmations": null,
"inscriptionNum": "",
"listTime": 1714398972,
"name": "DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON",
"orderId": 201268,
"ownerAddress": "bc1pxav32udnt0062dlvmjn7tp3qneamudpg492t7qmxsu7m73ldd7uq768q8p",
"status": 1,
"symbol": "🐕",
"ticker": "DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON",
"tickerIcon": "",
"tickerId": "840000:3",
"tickerType": 4,
"totalPrice": {
"currency": "BTC",
"currencyUrl": "",
"price": "0.05472306",
"satPrice": "5472306",
"usdPrice": "3388.298650632"
"txHash": "",
"unavailable": null,
"unitPrice": {
"currency": "BTC",
"currencyUrl": "",
"price": "0.0000000615",
"satPrice": "6.15",
"usdPrice": "0.0038079078"
"utxoTxHash": "80efaeffcbf70be91579afb631e45cd28df75b0883f45525d1bb6b04b21969f3",
"utxoValue": "546",
"utxoVout": 1015
"msg": ""