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New "Edit Parameters" Feature on Spot Grid Bots

Edit Grid Bots

Introducing the new Edit Parameters feature on Spot Grid Bots

We’ve introduced a powerful new feature: the ability to edit the parameters of your running Spot Grid Bots. This highly requested update is designed to give you more flexibility and control over your trading strategies, making it easier to navigate market fluctuations and maintain your trading approach.

Why we created this feature

Our users have consistently voiced the need for greater control over their grid bot settings without the hassle of closing and reopening bots. With the new Edit Parameters feature, you can now adjust key settings such as the upper and lower range or grid quantity on the fly. This ability to make real-time adjustments allows you to better respond to changing market conditions while keeping your trading strategy consistent.This feature is particularly beneficial for key influencers, as it makes sure that any changes made to their bots are seamlessly replicated across their followers’ bots. Driven by extensive feedback from our community, this update addresses the importance of maintaining long-term strategies and enhancing the overall user experience.

Key product changes

  1. Edit Grid Range and Grid Quantity: You can now directly adjust the Grid Range and Grid Quantity within your running bot, providing more flexibility in your trading strategy.

  2. Trailing Up/Down Disabled after editing: Once you make edits, Trailing Up/Down will automatically be turned off and can’t be adjusted separately.

  3. Advanced Start/Stop conditions unchanged: The existing Advanced Start/Stop conditions will remain in place and can’t be modified after editing.

  4. Asset top-up requirements: If both your base and quote assets are insufficient, you’ll need to top up your quote assets to meet the new minimum trading requirements. Topping up base assets isn’t permitted.

  5. Automatic PnL reinvestment: After making edits, your PnL will be reinvested by default, ensuring your position continues to grow.

  6. Marketplace workflow not included: During this phase, edits made by lead traders won’t be broadcast to subscribers, keeping the focus on individual bot management.

  7. Edit availability: Edits can be made in all running states except for STOP_DELAY_TRIGGER, offering maximum flexibility while your bots are active.

We’re excited to share that the Edit Parameters feature will be extended to Futures Bots during Q4 2024. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance your trading experience.

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