Habbo: Crafted Avatars is a collection of user generated Habbo Avatars. You can combine the traits of two [Habbo: Genesis Avatars](https://www.okx.com/web3/marketplace/nft) using the [Avatar Editor](https://nft.habbo.com/traits/editor/). You can use your Genesis and Crafted Avatars in the true OG Metaverse [Habbo](https://www.habbo.com/) and in the new [Web3 Habbo](https://www.habbox.game/). Owning a Habbo Avatar gives you daily NFT Credits which you can use to purchase actual Habbo NFT items and use them in-game!
[Read more](https://help.habbox.game/hc/en-us/articles/9357762551453-Habbo-Avatar-trait-editing)