
Generate the data to call the OKX DEX router to execute a swap.

In Uni v3 pools, the following scenario may occur:
If the liquidity for the desired token pair in the pool is depleted, the pool will only consume part of the payment token, leaving a remainder.
As a fully decentralized smart contract, the OKX DEX Router will automatically refund the remainder.
During your integration, please ensure compatibility with this scenario by configuring your contract to support token refunds, thereby ensuring a smooth user experience.

Request address#


Request param#

chainIdStringYesChain ID (e.g., 1 for Ethereum. See Chain IDs)
amountStringYesThe input amount of a token to be sold
(set in minimal divisible units, e.g., 1.00 USDT set as 1000000, 1.00 DAI set as 1000000000000000000), you could get the minimal divisible units from Tokenlist.
fromTokenAddressStringYesThe contract address of a token you want to send (e.g.,0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
toTokenAddressStringYesThe contract address of a token you want to receive (e.g.,0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48)
slippageStringYesSlippage limit.

1. For EVM networks, the slippage setting has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 1.
2. For Solana, the slippage setting has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of less than 1.

(For example: 0.005 means that the maximum slippage for this transaction is 0.5%, while 1 means that the maximum slippage of this transaction is 100%.)
userWalletAddressStringYesUser's wallet address (e.g.,0x3f6a3f57569358a512ccc0e513f171516b0fd42a)
swapReceiverAddressStringNoRecipient address of a purchased token if not set, userWalletAddress will receive a purchased token (e.g.,0x3f6a3f57569358a512ccc0e513f171516b0fd42a)
feePercentStringNoThe percentage of fromTokenAmount or toTokenAmount will be sent to the referrer’s address, the rest will be set as the input amount to be sold. Min percentage: 0. Max percentage: 3.
Maximum 2 decimal points. Longer sections will be automatically omitted. (E.g. 1.326% is the actual input, but the final calculation will only adopt 1.32%.)
fromTokenReferrerWalletAddressStringNoThe wallet address to receive the commission fee from the fromToken.
When using the API, you need to configure the commission ratio using feePercent.
Each transaction can only choose commission from either the fromToken or the toToken.

1. For EVM chains: Transactions involving wrapped pairs, such as ETH and WETH, are not supported here.
2. For Solana chain: The commission address must have some SOL deposited in advance for activation.
toTokenReferrerWalletAddressStringNoThe wallet address to receive the commission fee from the toToken.
When using the API, you need to configure the commission ratio using feePercent.
Each transaction can only choose commission from either the fromToken or the toToken.

1. For EVM chains: Transactions involving wrapped pairs, such as ETH and WETH, are not supported here.
2. For Solana chain: The commission address must have some SOL deposited in advance for activation.
enablePositiveSlippageBooleanNoThe default setting is false. The positive slippage revenue will be sent to userWalletAddress in default. When enabled, the positive slippage revenue will be sent to the referrer’s address
gaslimitStringNo(Optional, The gas (in wei) for the swap transaction. If the value is too low to achieve the quote, an error will be returned
gasLevelStringNo(Optional, defaults to average) The target gas price level for the swap transaction,set to average or fast or slow
dexIdsStringNoDexId of the liquidity pool for limited quotes, multiple combinations separated by , (e.g., 1,50,180, see liquidity list for more)
directRouteBooleanNoThe default setting is false. When enabled, Direct Routes restrict our routing to a single liquidity pool only. Currently, this feature is only active for Solana swaps.
priceImpactProtectionPercentageStringNo(Optional. The default is 90%.) The percentage (between 0 - 1.0) of the price impact allowed.

When the priceImpactProtectionPercentage is set, if the estimated price impact is above the percentage indicated, an error will be returned. For example, if PriceImpactProtectionPercentage = .25 (25%), any quote with a price impact higher than 25% will return an error.

This is an optional feature, and the default value is 0.9. When it’s set to 1.0 (100%), the feature will be disabled, which means that every transaction will be allowed to pass.

Note: If we’re unable to calculate the price impact, we’ll return null, and the price impact protection will be disabled.
callDataMemoStringNoYou can customize the parameters to be sent on the blockchain in callData by encoding the data into a 128-character 64-bytes hexadecimal string. For example, the string “0x...111” needs to keep the “0x” at its start.
computeUnitPriceStringNoUsed for transactions on the Solana network and similar to gasPrice on Ethereum. This price determines the priority level of the transaction. The higher the price, the more likely that the transaction can be processed faster.
computeUnitLimitStringNoUsed for transactions on the Solana network and analogous to gasLimit on Ethereum, which ensures that the transaction won’t take too much computing resource.
autoSlippageBooleanNoDefault is false. When set to true, the original slippage (if set) will be covered by the autoSlippage and the API will calculate and return auto slippage recommendations based on current market data.
maxAutoSlippageStringNoWhen autoSlippage is set to true, this value is the maximum auto slippage returned by the API. We recommend that users adopt this value to ensure risk control.
referrerAddressStringNoLegacy Referrer address for fromtoken commission.For SOL commission using wallet address and SPL token commissions using token account.
Recommend to use the newfromTokenReferrerWalletAddress parameter
When using the API, you need to configure the commission ratio using feePercent.
Each transaction can only choose commission from either the fromToken or the toToken.

1. For EVM chains: Transactions involving wrapped pairs, such as ETH and WETH, are not supported here.
2. For Solana chain: The commission address must have some SOL deposited in advance for activation.
toTokenReferrerAddressStringNoLegacy Referrer address for toToken commission (Only supports SPL Token commissions which use token account.)
Recommend to use the new toTokenReferrerWalletAddress parameter
When using the API, you need to configure the commission ratio using feePercent.
Each transaction can only choose commission from either the fromToken or the toToken.

1. For EVM chains: Transactions involving wrapped pairs, such as ETH and WETH, are not supported here.
2. For Solana chain: The commission address must have some SOL deposited in advance for activation.

Response param#

routerResultObjectQuote path data
chainIdStringChain ID (e.g., 1 for Ethereum. See Chain IDs)
fromTokenAmountStringThe input amount of a token to be sold ( e.g.,500000000000000000000000)
toTokenAmountStringThe resulting amount of a token to be bought ( e.g.,168611907733361)
tradeFeeStringEstimated network fee (USD) of the quote route
estimateGasFeeStringEstimated gas consumption is returned in the smallest units of each chain, such as wei.
dexRouterListArrayQuote path data set
routerStringOne of the main paths for the token swap
routerPercentStringThe percentage of assets handled by the main path (e.g.,5)
subRouterListArrayQuote path sub data set
dexProtocolArrayLiquidity protocols used on the main path
dexNameStringThe name of the liquidity protocol (e.g.,Verse)
percentStringThe percentage of assets handled by the protocol (e.g.,100)
fromTokenObjectThe information of a token to be sold
tokenContractAddressStringToken contract address (e.g.,0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48)
tokenSymbolStringToken symbol (e.g.,USDC)
tokenUnitPriceStringThe token unit price returned by this interface is a general USDis a general USD real time price based on data from on-chain sources. Note: This price is only a recommended price. For some special cases, the token unit price may be 'null'
decimalStringThe decimal number defines the smallest unit into which a single currency token can be divided. For example, if the decimal number of a token is 8, it means that a single such token can be divided into 100,000,000 of its smallest units. Note: This parameter is for reference only. It may change due to reasons such as settings adjustments by the contract owner.
isHoneyPotBooleanIf the token is a honeypot token. yes:true no:false
taxRateStringToken tax rate for selling: Applicable to tokens with configurable tax mechanisms (e.g., SafeMoon, SPL2022 tokens). Returns 0 for regular tokens without tax. The value ranges from 0 to 1, where 0.01 represents 1%.
toTokenObjectThe information of a token to be bought
tokenContractAddressStringToken contract address (e.g.,0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48)
tokenSymbolStringToken symbol (e.g.,USDC)
tokenUnitPriceStringThe token unit price returned by this interface is a general USD price based on data from on-chain, exchange, and other third-party sources. Note: This price is only a recommended price. For some special cases, the token unit price may be 'null'
decimalStringThe decimal number defines the smallest unit into which a single currency token can be divided. For example, if the decimal number of a token is 8, it means that a single such token can be divided into 100,000,000 of its smallest units. Note: This parameter is for reference only. It may change due to reasons such as settings adjustments by the contract owner.
isHoneyPotBooleanIf the token is a honeypot token. yes:true no:false
taxRateStringToken tax rate for buying: Applicable to tokens with configurable tax mechanisms (e.g., SafeMoon, SPL2022 tokens). Returns 0 for regular tokens without tax. The value ranges from 0 to 1, where 0.01 represents 1%.
quoteCompareListArrayComparison of quote routes
dexNameStringDEX name of the quote route
dexLogoStringDEX logo of the quote route
tradeFeeStringEstimated network fee (USD) of the quote route
amountOutStringReceived amount of the quote route
priceImpactPercentageStringPercentage = (Received value – Paid value) / Paid value. The swap amount will affect the depth of the liquidity pool, causing a value difference. This percentage can be positive if the received value exceeds the paid value.
txObjectcontract data model
signatureDataArrayIf this parameter is returned, it indicates that the transaction requires additional signing data. Developers should use this parameter as one of the inputs for the transaction signature and ensure it is correctly applied during the signing process.
fromStringUser's wallet address (e.g.,0x3f6a3f57569358a512ccc0e513f171516b0fd42a)
gasStringestimated amount of the gas limit, increase this value by 50% (e.g.,1173250)
gasPriceStringGas price in wei (e.g.,58270000000)
maxPriorityFeePerGasStringEIP-1559: Recommended priority cost of gas per unit (e.g.,500000000)
toStringThe contract address of OKX DEX router (e.g.,0x3b3ae790Df4F312e745D270119c6052904FB6790)
valueStringThe amount of native tokens (in wei) that will be sent to the contract address (e.g.,0)
minReceiveAmountStringThe minimum amount of a token to buy when the price reaches the upper limit of slippage (e.g.,900645839798)
dataStringCall data
slippageStringThe value of current transaction slippage

Request example#

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PROJECT: 86af********d1bc' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-KEY: 37c541a1-****-****-****-10fe7a038418' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-SIGN: leaV********3uw=' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE: 1****6' \
--header 'OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP: 2023-10-18T12:21:41.274Z'

Response example#

        "code": "0",
        "data": [
        "routerResult": {
        "chainId": "1",
        "dexRouterList": [
        "router": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee--0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
        "routerPercent": "100",
        "subRouterList": [
        "dexProtocol": [
        "dexName": "Uniswap V3",
        "percent": "100"
        "fromToken": {
        "decimal": "18",
        "isHoneyPot": false,
        "taxRate": "0",
        "tokenContractAddress": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
        "tokenSymbol": "WETH",
        "tokenUnitPrice": "3342.87"
        "toToken": {
        "decimal": "6",
        "isHoneyPot": false,
        "taxRate": "0",
        "tokenContractAddress": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
        "tokenSymbol": "USDC",
        "tokenUnitPrice": "0.9995"
        "estimateGasFee": "135000",
        "fromToken": {
        "decimal": "18",
        "isHoneyPot": false,
        "taxRate": "0",
        "tokenContractAddress": "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE",
        "tokenSymbol": "ETH",
        "tokenUnitPrice": "3342.87"
        "fromTokenAmount": "10000000000000",
        "priceImpactPercentage": "0.001",
        "quoteCompareList": [
        "amountOut": "32990",
        "dexLogo": "",
        "dexName": "Balancer V1",
        "tradeFee": "44.32919149271585462"
        "amountOut": "334",
        "dexLogo": "",
        "dexName": "DODO",
        "tradeFee": "36.96825563599181972"
        "amountOut": "33023",
        "dexLogo": "",
        "dexName": "Balancer V2",
        "tradeFee": "19.79273863696907162"
        "amountOut": "32980",
        "dexLogo": "",
        "dexName": "Sushiswap V3",
        "tradeFee": "15.70332982767794112"
        "amountOut": "32964",
        "dexLogo": "",
        "dexName": "ShibaSwap",
        "tradeFee": "15.70332982767794112"
        "toToken": {
        "decimal": "6",
        "isHoneyPot": false,
        "taxRate": "0",
        "tokenContractAddress": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
        "tokenSymbol": "USDC",
        "tokenUnitPrice": "0.9995"
        "toTokenAmount": "33474",
        "tradeFee": "4.3491690602723664"
        "tx": {
        "data": "0x0d5f0e3b00000000000000000001881f6f9ffea7370310cd0f890dfde5e0e061059dcfb8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009184e72a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007c3800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001800000000000000000000000e0554a476a092703abdb3ef35c80e0d76d32939f",
        "from": "0x6f9ffea7370310cd0f890dfde5e0e061059dcfb8",
        "gas": "202500",
        "gasPrice": "32657616776",
        "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "2086453233",
        "minReceiveAmount": "31800",
        "signatureData": [
        "to": "0x7D0CcAa3Fac1e5A943c5168b6CEd828691b46B36",
        "value": "10000000000000"
        "msg": ""