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'Unseen City: Echoes of Blue' Virtual Escape Room


  1. Manchester City and OKX have launched a new virtual escape room called 'Unseen City: Echoes of Blue'

  2. Fans can interact with AI-powered avatars of Manchester City players

  3. Complete tasks in five different rooms to earn rewards, including match tickets and limited edition shirts

  4. Available from August 9 to September 5, 2024

An Interactive and Rewarding Online Experience for Fans

We're thrilled to share the next digital experience in our 'Unseen City' series. In collaboration with Manchester City, we have unveiled an incredible new virtual escape room experience: 'Unseen City: Echoes of Blue.' This interactive adventure will be available from August 9 to September 5, 2024, and it's designed to bring fans closer to their favorite players than ever before.

You'll get to navigate through five distinct rooms: the Training Room, Strategy Room, OKX Lounge, Trophy Room and the Lobby. Each room offers unique challenges and content, ensuring that every step of the journey is fresh and exciting.

Meet Your Virtual Guides

One of the most engaging features of this experience is the AI-powered avatars of our favorite Manchester City players. Virtual versions of Jack Grealish, Rúben Dias, Kevin De Bruyne, Ederson Moraes, and Alex Greenwood will be your guides, and will chat with as you complete tasks to unlock amazing prizes like match tickets, exclusive 'Unseen City' shirts and even a special stadium tour led by a City legend.

A Testament to Innovation and Fan Engagement

This campaign is part of our commitment to providing innovative and engaging experiences for fans. This is just the latest in a series of collaborations that have included the 'Unseen City Collectibles Quest, 'the 'Unseen City Shirts' digital collectibles and the OKX Collective metaverse.

Our partnership with Manchester City began in March 2022, and it's been incredible to see how Web3 technology has transformed our fan engagement. Becoming the Club's Official Sleeve Partner in June 2023 and winning the European Sponsorship Association (ESA) Award for 'Sport Sponsorship of the Year' are just some of the highlights of our journey together.

Join the Adventure

From August 9 to September 5, 2024, you can join the 'Unseen City: Echoes of Blue' virtual escape room by visiting this link. It's an adventure that combines the thrill of football with the cutting-edge technology of Web3, and we can't wait for you to experience it for yourself.

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