ليست كل المنتجات المذكورة متاحة في جميع الولايات القضائية.

Disclaimer for machine translation

تم النشر في ‏29 أغسطس 2023تم التحديث في ‏22 سبتمبر 20242 دقيقة قراءة‏‎61‏

Many pages on this website, including but not limited to our terms of service, product descriptions, and FAQs, have been translated using machine translation. We make reasonable efforts to provide accurate translations. However, no automated translation is flawless.

The official text for all documents on this website is English. While we have provided translated documents as a convenience for our users, you should be aware that these documents may contain discrepancies from the English version. Any discrepancies or differences resulting from translation are not binding and do not hold legal weight for compliance or enforcement purposes. If any questions arise regarding the accuracy of information in the translated documents, please note that the English version of the content is the official version and will take precedence over any translation.

Regarding languages not offered, these include French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Thai, Japanese, and Portuguese.