Onchain Weekly #4
Discover the latest product updates, stories, and innovations from the OKX Wallet team.
This week, the best Bitcoin wallet? Plus Dark Mode and McLaren collectibles.

1. Runes, ordinals, rare sats and inscriptions
Everything you need for Bitcoin. Zero fees.
With Runes and ordinals driving all-time high activity on the Bitcoin network, now's the time to get involved. OKX Wallet uniquely combines both a marketplace and wallet in the same app, making it possible for you to ape into Runes, ordinals, and BRC-20s using an interface you're familiar with.
What this means for you
Discover trending Runes such as DOG, COOK, RSIC, BILLION DOLLAR CAT, and more.
Explore everything Bitcoin including ordinals, rare sats, and inscriptions.
Manage all your Bitcoin assets alongside assets from other chains like Ethereum and Solana in the same wallet — no switching required.

2. Browser extension, now with Dark Mode
Go easy on your eyes.
Here's something brand new: we're announcing Dark Mode on the Chrome browser extension for OKX Wallet.
Step-by-step guide To switch to Dark Mode, you might need to update your browser extension. You can learn how to do that here. (Psssst. it's easy, and you can switch back any time).
3. Free to claim McLaren collectibles
You'll want the sound on for this one.
We've partnered with our good friends at McLaren to launch the ultimate collection of noisy, dynamic collectibles that evolve after each race. Once you've claimed your NFT, check back to discover whether you've unlocked a Classic, Rare, or Ultra-Rare tier collectible.
Claim your collectible here, while mints last. There are amazing rewards for grabs from McLaren and OKX.
Until the next time,
The OKX Wallet Team
Onchain, any chain
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