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Trigger Order: A Guide to Algorithm Trading Strategy

Trigger orders are a type of algorithmic trading strategy that allows traders to pre-define a trigger price and an order price. When the market price reaches the trigger price, the order is automatically placed at the preset order price. This strategy is commonly used for momentum trading, exit trades, and for setting stop-loss or taking profit orders. Unlike stop orders, trigger orders do not freeze margins or positions.

In this article, we will dive into the basics of trigger orders, including a definition of the key terms, and how to use this strategy effectively in your trading.

What is a Trigger Order?

A trigger order is a type of algorithmic trading strategy that allows traders to pre-define a trigger price and an order price. The order will be placed automatically at the preset order price once the market price reaches the predefined trigger price. This strategy is commonly used for momentum trading, exit trades, and for setting stop-loss or taking profit orders.

Key Terms in Trigger Orders

  1. Trigger Price: The predefined condition that will trigger the order. The trigger price is the market price that, once reached, will activate the trigger order.
  2. Order Price: The price at which the order will be placed once it is triggered. Traders can choose to place the order at market price, which will fill the order at the best available price, or they can enter a specific price.

How to Use a Trigger Order

Now that we have defined the key terms, let's take a look at how to use trigger orders effectively. Below are four common use cases:

Closing a Long Position for Stop-Loss

Suppose a trader holds a long Bitcoin (BTC) contract with an average open price of $9,000 and wants to close the position if the market price drops to $8,000. The trader can place a trigger order with the following parameters:

Trigger Price: $8,000 Order Price: $7,950 (it is recommended to set the order price lower than the trigger price to ensure that the order is filled immediately, although market price is also a good choice)

If the price falls to $8,000, the trigger order will be activated, and the long position will be closed at $7,950.

Closing a Short Position for Stop-Loss

Suppose a trader holds a short BTC contract with an average open price of $9,000 and wants to close the position if the market price rises to $10,000. The trader can place a trigger order with the following parameters:

Trigger Price: $10,000 Order Price: $10,050 (it is recommended to set the order price higher than the trigger price to ensure that the order is filled immediately, although market price is also a good choice)

If the price rises to $10,000, the trigger order will be activated, and the short position will be closed at $10,050 (or at the market price if the order price is set to market price).

Opening a Long Position

Suppose the current market price of the BTC contract is $11,500, and a trader believes that the market will turn bullish if the price breaks through the $12,000 level. The trader can place a trigger order with the following parameters:

Trigger Price: $12,000 Order Price: Market price (or $12,050)

If the price rallies to $12,000, the trigger order will be activated, and a long position will be opened at the market

Advantages of Trigger Orders

Automated Trading: With trigger orders, traders do not need to monitor the market constantly and can spend their time on other things. Once the trigger price is set, the order will be executed automatically.

Flexibility: Trigger orders allow traders to set their own conditions, including the trigger price, order price, and the type of order. This allows traders to create a strategy that fits their needs and goals.

Better Control: Trigger orders allow traders to control their trades by setting the stop-loss and take-profit levels. This can help them avoid emotional decisions and stick to their trading strategy.

Improved Execution: Trigger orders allow traders to enter or exit positions at a desired price, rather than at the current market price. This can result in improved execution and better returns.

No Freeze of Positions: Unlike stop orders, trigger orders do not freeze a trader's positions. This means that traders can still hold their positions and trade normally while their trigger order is waiting to be executed.

In conclusion, trigger orders are a useful tool for traders who want to automate their trading and take advantage of market opportunities. Whether they are used for stop-loss, take-profit, or momentum trading, trigger orders can help traders to make better decisions, control their trades, and achieve their financial goals. If you are looking for a flexible and effective trading strategy, consider using trigger orders in your trading plan.

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