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Six Essential Trading Tools for Navigating Crypto Market Volatility

Dealing with market ups and downs can feel overwhelming in crypto's fast-moving trading environment. For traders who need accuracy and a solid strategy, having the right tools is crucial. Below, we highlight some important features that can help you manage market fluctuations and improve your chances of better trading results.

Volatility Ratio: gauging market risk

Many would agree that you're better equipped to make smarter trading decisions when you can determine the volatility of assets and adjust your trading strategies accordingly. The Volatility Ratio indicator measures the changing fluctuations in an asset's prices, rather than the price itself. Understanding the volatility ratio provides insights into market sentiment. With this tool, you can focus on volume data rather than the number of advancing or declining assets.

Volatility Ratio

Switch to multi-chart to monitor different markets

Analyzing the market using multiple charts on a single screen allows for simultaneous examination of different time frames and indicators. For example, you can monitor a 1-minute, 15-minute, and 1-hour chart all at once. With these synchronized views, you're well placed to identify trends and make more informed trading decisions in real-time. Interested? Here’s a straightforward guide on activating multi-chart synchronisation:


Assessing profitability with the Risk/Reward tool

The Risk/Reward tool is helpful in assessing the potential gains to be made from your chosen strategies. It marks the prospective reward you can earn for every dollar you put into the trade. This helps you understand the balance between risk and potential reward in a trade.

RiskRewards Ratio

Optimising entry and exit strategies with trailing stops and scaled orders

Two underrated take profit/stop-loss features that give you greater control in a volatile market are trailing stops and scaled orders. Both tools provide the flexibility to adapt to market fluctuations without the need for constant monitoring. Trailing stops automatically secure gains, while scaled orders allow you to increase your position in response to market trends.

Trailing stops

Trailing stop orders maximizes and locks in your gains on open positions. This sophisticated stop order automatically adjusts as the market price fluctuates, either by a pre-set percentage or a fixed amount.

Trailing Stop

Scaled orders

Scaled orders are mostly available on futures trading platforms. The tool allows you to place multiple limit orders at different price points. This strategy helps you to achieve a more balanced entry and exit point, optimising potential returns while minimising the risks associated with market volatility. Learn more about the tool with our how-to guide to setting up scaled stops.

Scaled Order

Turn on liquidation alerts

A liquidation alert is another influential risk management tool. It notifies you when your account’s equity falls below the required margin level, allowing you to quickly take action to avoid liquidation. Learn more with our detailed guide on setting up liquidation alerts.

Liquidation Alert

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