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SocialFi: everything you need to know about blockchain's answer to social media

SocialFi stands at the crossroads of Web3 and social media, empowering regular users to take control of their digital footprint. At its core, SocialFi combines the principles of social media with decentralized finance (DeFi), offering a platform where influencers, content creators, and participants govern their data while enhancing their ability to monetize user engagement. SocialFi aims to break free from the constraints of centralization, allowing users to own and navigate their content within the expansive SocialFi universe.

The surge towards decentralization, prompting the evolution of SocialFi, can be attributed to a collective dissatisfaction with the centralized structures of Web2 social media networks and financial systems. In this regard, SocialFi acts as a catalyst for change, providing a decentralized space where users can earn through meaningful engagement.

The following guide dives into the intersection of social media and DeFi, exploring the possibilities that SocialFi introduces to the expansive Web3 landscape. Read on to uncover how SocialFi reshapes the digital experience by prioritizing connectivity, sharing, and community-building.

SocialFi 101: your complete guide to what it is and how it works

SocialFi, or social finance, brings together the worlds of DeFi and social media in a disruptive way. As decentralized social networks, SocialFi shakes up the traditional profit playbook, where big corporations usually rake in the benefits of what users create. For instance, on Web2 social media platforms like Instagram, Meta, X, or TikTok, corporations generally profit from user content. SocialFi flips the script by giving users real ownership, control, and the chance to make money from their digital interactions.

At the heart of SocialFi is blockchain technology, creating a secure environment where users can do more than share content but dive into financial activities also. This blend of social and financial elements creates a lively atmosphere where the rules of big centralized entities no longer bind users.

Think of SocialFi as a rebel in the digital crypto landscape. It operates on the principles of Web3, envisioning a decentralized internet where users call the shots. SocialFi makes social interactions monetizable within a platform, similar to Patreon but with a twist. Here, users directly interact without the need for a middleperson. Essential elements include non-fungible token (NFT)-powered digital ownership of exclusive content and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) managing the platform’s rules.

In the SocialFi universe, you’re not just a passive user — you’re the master of your online world, building connections and monetizing your content in a way that’s clear, open, and more importantly — on your terms. This holistic approach marks SocialFi as a game-changer for many, reshaping how we interact digitally and financially.

A closer look at the pros and cons of SocialFi

Much like any game-changing idea, SocialFi introduces both exciting opportunities and thoughtful considerations.


User empowerment

SocialFi puts users in the driving seat, offering genuine ownership and control over their content and interactions. Decentralization is a key factor here. In the realm of Web3, there’s no single entity calling the shots, unlike the traditional web governed by centralized entities like governments and businesses. This decentralized nature empowers users, eliminating monopolies and providing complete control over data, privacy, engagement, interactions, and monetization.

Monetization opportunities

Unlike traditional platforms, SocialFi provides diverse avenues for users to monetize their content and engagement, including cryptocurrencies. For example, social tokens and digital assets can control who interacts with a user’s content, increasing the likelihood of more value-added content. In the world of Web3, SocialFi stands out by eliminating intermediaries and allowing users to make direct transactions. This not only reduces transaction costs but opens doors for financial inclusion, enabling users to amass wealth through active community participation and rewards.

Privacy and security

Focusing on decentralization, SocialFi aims to provide heightened privacy and security, making sure users have more control over their personal data and can choose anonymity. Web3’s privacy-focused architecture allows users to maintain their anonymity, a stark contrast to the often intrusive nature of Web2 platforms. Moreover, powered by blockchain technology, these platforms operate through a network of validating nodes that guarantee the integrity of transactions. This characteristic of SocialFi improves transparency, reducing the chances of fraud and corruption, thanks to the use of a public ledger open to auditing by anyone.

Fairer revenue distribution

SocialFi projects often prioritize fair revenue distribution, allowing users to share advertising revenue more equitably. The transparency of SocialFi, powered by blockchain technology, makes sure that operations are visible and immutable. This transparency builds trust among users, fostering accountability and providing the necessary information for informed decisions. Additionally, by actively engaging in the community and reaping rewards, users have the opportunity to earn. This could positively impact individuals and communities traditionally marginalized by conventional financial systems.

Community building

The decentralized nature of SocialFi fosters authentic community building, allowing users to connect, collaborate, and engage without heavy central oversight. Through decentralized on-chain data, SocialFi platforms enable users to have a say in what content is publicly viewable. Nodes parse rules engines to curate posts, allowing users to approve or block content, balancing the need to prevent harmful content without centralized censorship.


SocialFi adeptly tackles the challenges associated with censorship within its network by decentralizing on-chain data. This decentralized model places the responsibility for content approval directly in the hands of the community, protecting freedom of speech. This censorship-resistant approach in the Web3 environment is in direct contrast to the conventional web, where content is often controlled and censored by various organizations and governments.


Scalability concerns

As SocialFi aims to empower users and foster decentralized interactions, there might be challenges related to scalability. Managing large volumes of data, especially in a manner comparable to established platforms, could pose difficulties and affect the overall performance of SocialFi networks.

Sustainability of token rewards

While SocialFi platforms often offer token rewards to attract users, the sustainability of this incentive model raises questions. The long-term viability of token-based rewards, especially in maintaining user interest and participation, remains an aspect that requires careful consideration.

Experimental nature and adoption challenges

The experimental nature of incentive models in SocialFi, coupled with the evolving landscape of DeFi, raises concerns about widespread adoption. SocialFi platforms may face hurdles in gaining broad acceptance, especially as users and the market navigate uncertainties and potential shifts in preferences.

3 SocialFi projects worth noting

Here are three trending projects currently making waves and turning heads in the SocialFi space. Let’s closely examine what makes these projects stand out and why they garner users’ attention throughout the crypto sphere.


Friend.tech is one of the most talked-about projects on the SocialFI scene. As a decentralized app on the Base platform, Friend.tech offers users a space to connect, interact, and participate in communities. It uses a "Keys” system — similar to shares — to provide users with exclusive access to private chats, giveaways, and other perks tied to the creator’s account. The system effectively enhances data privacy while propelling users into active participants and earners within the platform.

While Friend.tech has met with some controversy and has slowed down in recent months, the project recently announced the much-anticipated V2 of its platform, set to launch in spring 2024. The upcoming update is poised to introduce advanced features and improvements aimed at enriching the overall user experience. Additionally, the announcement of an upgraded platform has the potential to reignite interest and instill renewed confidence among users.

Theta Network (THETA)

Theta Network (THETA) emerged in 2019 as a decentralized video delivery network (VDN). Its primary goal is to foster peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing of computing resources and bandwidth among users. Theta Network aims to tackle various challenges in the video streaming industry, such as centralization, excessive costs, quality issues, and infrastructure limitations.

Functioning as a VDN, Theta Network aggregates users’ bandwidth and computational resources, redistributing them to those in need. The native tokens of the network, namely THETA and TFUEL, play a dual role in governance and incentivizing active participation within the ecosystem. Security is a major focus for Theta Network, which is why it incorporates the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism to thwart potential threats and uphold the network’s operational integrity.

Lens Protocol

Lens Protocol, established on the Polygon Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchain, is a decentralized social graph harnessing the potential of NFTs and smart contracts. It was created by Stani Kulechov, founder of AAVE (AAVE), in 2022.

With its foundations in modularity, Lens Protocol provides an open framework for applications to construct social platforms within Web3. This unique approach empowers creators by allowing ownership of the connections between them and their community, fostering a fully user-owned social graph. The protocol’s design facilitates the seamless addition of new features and fixes while guaranteeing the immutability of user-owned content and social relationships.

The primary goal of Lens Protocol is to address significant challenges prevalent in current social media networks. Unlike Web2 networks that rely on centralized databases, Lens Protocol introduces portability to users’ profiles, friends, and content. This makes sure that, as users own their data, they can seamlessly bring it to any application built on Lens Protocol.

Why SocialFi matters and its impact in 2024

SocialFi holds strong potential to reshape the dynamics of online interaction. In its early stages, SocialFi platforms demonstrate promising growth trajectories, offering users compensation for valuable content creation and interactions within a decentralized framework. The innovation of SocialFi extends beyond traditional norms, presenting a dichotomy — a tool for social good and evil, contingent on the ethical design, implementation, and responsible usage of these platforms.

The significance of SocialFi lies in its capacity to harness Web3 and DeFi innovations across global sectors, fostering a more equitable digital social space. While addressing critical issues such as privacy, security, censorship, monetization, and data ownership, SocialFi marks a departure from conventional social networking paradigms. With other vital projects such as Open Campus, Stars Arena, TOMO, Alpha, Cyberconnect, and Hive, SocialFi shows no signs of slowing down in 2024. The coming years could be influential in determining whether SocialFi remains an ingenious concept or becomes a transformative force with tangible use cases in the evolving world of digital interactions.

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