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OKX Partners with Digital Art Fair to Launch Limited-Edition NFT for VIP Ticket Holders in Hong Kong, Showcasing its Commitment to the City's Web3 and NFT Space

  • VIP ticket holders who attend Digital Art Fair's opening party on October 20 and present their 'Digital Art Fair NFT POAP' will receive a fine art print by Jonathan Jay Lee, one of Hong Kong's most sought-after illustrators

  • The NFT will also be free to mint - via OKX Wallet - for a select number of non-VIP ticket holders who attend the opening party

Hong Kong, October 18, 2023 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company, today announced the launch of a limited-edition NFT, called 'Digital Art Fair NFT POAP,' available to VIP ticket holders of the Digital Art Fair's Asia Edition 2023 in Hong Kong. The fair, which takes place from October 19 to October 23 at the K11 Art & Cultural Centre, K11 MUSEA, will showcase cutting-edge digital art installations and feature Web3- and AI-focused panels and fireside chats. Built on the OKT Chain, Digital Art Fair NFT POAP will serve as a pass that unlocks exclusive privileges for VIP ticket holders of the Digital Art Fair, particularly those who attend the fair's official opening party: 'Come As Your Art.' Taking place on the 6/F at K11 MUSEA from 6:00 to 10:00 pm (HKT) on October 20, VIP ticket holders who attend the opening party and present their Digital Art Fair NFT POAP to representatives of the OKX Web3 team will receive a fine art print by Jonathan Jay Lee, Digital Art Fair's 'Artist of the Year' and one of Hong Kong's most sought-after illustrators. In addition, Digital Art Fair NFT POAP will be free to mint via OKX Wallet for a select number of non-VIP opening party attendees, who can then use the NFT to redeem OKX Web3-branded swag items.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "OKX is proud to be at the forefront of the digital art space through its collaboration with Digital Art Fair. By launching Digital Art Fair NFT POAP, we are celebrating our commitment to the development of Hong Kong's thriving NFT and Web3 ecosystem. We look forward to forming more Web3-focused partnerships that seek to push the boundaries of art and technological innovation." Digital Art Fair Founder Gillian Howard said: "We chose to partner with OKX due to its impressive track record in NFT creation and issuance for various high-profile events and conferences around the world. Digital Art Fair is not just an art exhibition; it offers a rare glimpse into the future of art appreciation and collection. Through our collaboration with OKX, we have the opportunity to harness the potential of NFTs to inspire VIP ticket holders and attendees of our opening party to explore a realm where fine art and digital assets converge." Since 2021, the annual Digital Art Fair has served as a cultural destination for art and technology enthusiasts, providing an opportunity to collect digital assets and fine art while celebrating art, culture and creativity. To purchase a VIP or general admission ticket for Digital Art Fair's Asia Edition 2023, click here.

Deze inhoud is alleen bedoeld voor informatieve doeleinden en kan betrekking hebben op producten die niet beschikbaar zijn in jouw regio. Het is niet bedoeld om (i) beleggingsadvies of een beleggingsaanbeveling te geven; (ii) een aanbod of verzoek te doen om digitale bezittingen te kopen, verkopen of aan te houden, of (iii) financieel, boekhoudkundig, juridisch of fiscaal advies te geven. Het aanhouden van digitale bezittingen, waaronder stablecoins en NFT's, brengt een hoge mate van risico met zich mee en kan sterk fluctueren. Je moet zorgvuldig overwegen of het verhandelen of aanhouden van digitale bezittingen geschikt is voor je in het licht van je financiële toestand. Raadpleeg je juridische/fiscale/beleggingsdeskundige voor vragen over je specifieke omstandigheden. Informatie (inclusief marktgegevens en statistische informatie, indien van toepassing) in dit bericht is alleen voor algemene informatiedoeleinden. Hoewel alle redelijke zorg is besteed aan de voorbereiding van deze gegevens en grafieken, wordt geen verantwoordelijkheid of aansprakelijkheid aanvaard voor eventuele fouten of weglatingen hierin. Zowel OKX Web3 Wallet als OKX NFT Marketplace zijn onderworpen aan afzonderlijke servicevoorwaarden op
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