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Introducing 'Creators Collective': Our Exclusive Community Welcomes Inaugural Cohort of Onchain Builders, Curators and Artists

  • Nomination-based community debuts with Bitcoin innovators; set to expand across broader onchain ecosystem

Today, we've announced the launch of 'Creators Collective,' an exclusive community uniting builders, curators and artists shaping the onchain economy. Following hundreds of nominations, we have selected nine members for our inaugural cohort of respected community leaders, including Runetoshi and ThatWagmiGirl, who have been instrumental in advancing Bitcoin innovation through education, development and artistic expression.

The Creators Collective brings together three essential pillars of the onchain ecosystem: builders developing groundbreaking protocols, curators driving mainstream adoption through education and artists pushing creative boundaries. While initially focused on Bitcoin-based innovation through Ordinals, BRC-20 and Runes protocols, the program will expand to welcome creators from across the broader onchain ecosystem in upcoming cohorts.

Members of the 'Creators Collective' community receive comprehensive support through:

  • Creator grants: Direct funding to accelerate innovative projects

  • Global reach: Access to OKX's worldwide community channels, including featured spots on OKX Wallet's X Spaces (reaching over two million followers)

  • Product privileges: Early access to new OKX Wallet features

  • Exclusive access: Direct collaboration with the OKX Wallet team

  • Creator tools: Premium software and production equipment

  • Product input: Direct involvement in shaping future OKX Wallet tools, such as its Ordinals Marketplace and DEX aggregator

Each member of the 'Creators Collective' has been selected based on their commitment to innovation and advancing the Bitcoin ecosystem. The inaugural cohort, representing a combined social following of over one million, includes prominent builders and creators Runetoshi, ThatWagmiGirl, Businessman, SlickBTC, Eric Nelson, TheHawk, James, Jen and Valerioshi. These innovators were chosen for their consistent contributions to the ecosystem and their proven track record of pushing boundaries in the onchain space.

Runetoshi, a 'Creators Collective' member and onchain builder, said: "Being part of the 'Creators Collective' means working alongside people who really get what we're trying to build here. Now, we have a dedicated community where creators can work together and learn from each other, supported by a team that's always backed Bitcoin innovation. It's about supporting the people who are actually building Bitcoin's future."

Over the past 12 months, OKX Wallet has rolled out zero-fee experiences for its Ordinals Marketplace, Inscription Center (supporting Atomicals, Fractal Bitcoin and BRC-20) and Runes Marketplace. The OKX Wallet team will announce additional developments and showcase its 'Creators Collective' program during the Australian edition of its global Ordinals World Tour in Sydney on November 23, coinciding with the opening day of Australia Crypto Con.

To learn more about the 'Creators Collective,' visit: https://www.okx.com/learn/creators-collective

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