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OKX to Give Away 2M USDT and a Tesla in September 'Trade Like a Pro' Trading Competition

DUBAI, UAE, SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 OKX, a global leading Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, has opened entries for its biggest ever trading competition as part of its Trade Like a Pro brand campaign, offering a prize pool of more than 2 million USDT and additional prizes, including a Tesla Model 3. Kicking off on September 20, the competition is open to OKX users trading USDT perpetual contracts.

Built to encourage collaboration and community, the Trade Like a Pro Trading Competition will be team-based. OKX affiliates who have completed KYC are eligible apply to be team leaders, while users with 100 USDT in assets qualify to participate as team members. The first 200 qualified participants to sign up as team members will receive a 10 USDT contract voucher.

Team member registrations for the Trade Like a Pro competition are open from September 8 to October 3, while team leader registrations are open until September 20. The trading competition will run from September 20 to October 3. More information on how to participate can be found here.

Once the competition exceeds 25,000 qualified participants, prizes including an Apple Watch S8s, Airpods Pros, iPhone 15 Pros and a Tesla car, will be unlocked.

After the competition's conclusion, a prize pool of up to 1.5 million USDT will be divided between the 20 teams with the best profit and loss percentage (PnL%). An additional 500,000 USDT will also be awarded to the 15 best performing individual traders by PnL% from across the competition. The team leader with the highest number of team members will be awarded up to 16,000 USDT as the competition’s most popular team leader.

OKX Global Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique said: "This trading competition is a planned next step to our latest 'Trade Like a Pro' campaign. In that campaign, we have several global crypto traders showcasing the ways they use OKX to access crypto markets. Our goal is ultimately to have the best traders on our platform. This competition brings the best talent together in the OKX trading grounds. Now let's see who makes it up the ranks!"

OKX's 'Trade Like a Pro' global brand campaign highlights the diverse and inspiring stories of individual users and their favorite OKX products and features. Launched on 14 August, the campaign features real users telling their stories in 45- and 15-second video spots, showing how people from different walks of life use the OKX platform to achieve their financial goals.

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