OKX Ambassador İlkay Gündoğan Speaks About Engaging Fans in the Metaverse During Interviews at Manchester City
- In February OKX announced its partnership with four Manchester City players to bring unique metaverse experiences to fans
- Media met with Gündoğan in Manchester to discuss what excites him about engaging with fans in the metaverse
VICTORIA, SEYCHELLES, MARCH 8, 2023 – Reporters from leading publications today met with OKX ambassador and Manchester City star İlkay Gündoğan at Manchester City to get his thoughts on Web3 technology and engaging with fans in the metaverse.
OKX, the world-leading technology and Web3 company and home to the world’s second largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, announced in February that it was partnering with Manchester City stars İlkay Gündoğan, Alex Greenwood, Jack Grealish and Ruben Dias to create unique new experiences for fans in the ‘OKX Collective’ metaverse.
İlkay Gündoğan said: "The Web3 space creates a lot of wonderful opportunities to connect with fans. That is why I appreciate OKX giving me and my teammates a chance to touch base with this exciting new technology. I look forward to learning more about the space from OKX and from the people who use the platform."
Check out some images of Gündoğan speaking about embarking into the metaverse with OKX below:
OKX ambassador İlkay Gündoğan (centre) speaks with OKX’s Peta Cooper (left) and City AM’s Louis van Boxel-Woolf (right) following a content shoot for the OKX Collective metaverse
OKX ambassador İlkay Gündoğan (centre) speaks with OKX’s Peta Cooper (left) and City AM’s Louis van Boxel-Woolf (right) following a content shoot for the OKX Collective metaverse
OKX ambassador İlkay Gündoğan following a content shoot for the OKX Collective metaverse
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