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Joining OKX, our license and plans in Singapore

A message from OKX Singapore CEO Gracie Lin

I'm thrilled to share that I've joined OKX Singapore as CEO. I've taken on this challenge because I believe that crypto represents the next frontier of innovation, and Singapore plays a significant role in adoption. I'm confident that we're well-placed to connect Singapore customers with the onchain world in a secure and seamless way.

OKX's history in crypto goes back nearly a decade, and in recent years we've grown our footprint and obtained licenses in key locations around the world. Our commitment to responsible innovation for sustainable growth speaks to our belief in driving technological progress while ensuring customer protection.

As a key digital asset hub, Singapore is an integral part of our global strategy. The team has been working hard to build a strong foundation here, and I'm very proud to announce today that OKX SG has received a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

The MPI license allows us to offer digital payment token and cross-border money transfer services, including spot (buy and sell) trading of cryptocurrencies for customers in Singapore. Obtaining the license is an important step in our journey, and we are more committed than ever to enabling access for our customers, and contributing to the community and ecosystem.

Born and raised here, I've always looked for ways to make a difference in Singapore. I've been fortunate to have had opportunities to do so in my previous roles at MAS, GIC and Grab. I believe OKX SG is the perfect launchpad to contribute on an even greater scale.

I'm truly energized by the opportunities ahead and honored to be driving our efforts to be the leading digital payment token exchange in the country. With our team's track record, passion and ambition, as well as a supportive community, we're very optimistic about our future here.

This is just the beginning of an exciting journey, and I cannot wait to share more updates as we work to bring the vision of OKX SG to life. Stay tuned!

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