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Introducing 'Smart Sync': Our Copy Trading Feature Optimizing Accessibility and Risk Management for Traders

We're thrilled to announce the enhancement of our Copy Trading tool with the introduction of 'Smart Sync.' This innovative feature mirrors the trades of lead traders, with order margins being determined by the lead trader's margin and the copy trader's available funds. It replicates the trader's position size, margin and actual position without the need for manual adjustment of parameter settings.

'Smart Sync' calculates the percentage difference between a user's position and trading account size in real-time and applies this percentage to the copy trader's account. This effectively synchronizes trade parameters such as leverage, margin, and pair settings.

For instance, if a lead trader with an account size of 10,000 USDT places a 1,000 USDT position, representing a 10% position size relative to the total account size, a copy trader with 'Smart Sync' activated and an account size of 1,000 USDT will copy the trade at 10% of their account size, resulting in a 100 USDT copy trade position size. This process is automated, eliminating the need for manual adjustments and reducing the risk of error, significantly simplifying the user experience for both copy traders and lead traders.

We've introduced 'Smart Sync' as the third mode in our Copy Trading ecosystem, complementing the existing 'Fix Contract Copy' and 'Proportionate Ratio Copy' modes. Unlike the other two modes, where funds from a single source can be distributed across multiple lead traders, 'Smart Sync' automatically locks funds to a single lead trader. This approach helps protect less experienced users from the risk of over-leverage through distribution, reduces trading frequency and ensures a longer sustainability rate, making it a beginner-friendly choice.

Our Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "The launch of Smart Sync is a testament to our ongoing innovation and leadership in the automated trading space. With Smart Sync, we're ensuring that our users can trade with confidence. Our new feature simplifies the copy trading experience and enhances risk management. This latest upgrade to our Copy Trading ecosystem introduces a new mode that caters to a diverse group of copy traders, all with different levels of risk and parameter preferences."

On November 10, we launched our 'Spot Copy Trading' feature, one of the few exchanges offering this feature. Spot Copy Trading enables our users to explore more trading opportunities by accessing both spot and futures markets, serving as an optimal choice for users who seek the deep liquidity and stability that we provide while focusing on spot copy trading.

Our Copy Trading comes with a range of unique features that set it apart from other copy trading platforms on the market. Our tool is the only one of its kind to offer both "one-way" and "hedge" position modes for the futures market, allowing traders to either hold positions in only one direction or maintain both long and short positions concurrently. This provides them with more flexibility in their trading approach.

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