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Jack Grealish and Oliver Heldens Debut Musical Collaboration with Exclusive DJ Set in OKX Collective Metaverse

  • Future house pioneer Oliver Heldens performs alongside Manchester City player Jack Grealish in first-of-its-kind ‘Mixing in the Metaverse’ DJ set
  • Exclusive musical performance includes new track created by Grealish and Heldens

MANCHESTER, UK, MAY 4, 2023 – OKX, one of the world’s leading Web3 technology companies, today hosted an exclusive DJ set performed by Manchester City star Jack Grealish and legendary DJ Oliver Heldens in its OKX Collective metaverse.

The ‘Mixing in the Metaverse’ experience includes a 15-minute set performed by metahuman avatars of Grealish and Heldens, who has been coaching Grealish on the turntables. The concert-like experience sees Grealish and Heldens debut a new, exclusive collaboration track and takes place in a futuristic stadium built in the Everdome metaverse.

Jack Grealish said: “I love music and I’ve wanted to try my hand at DJing for a long time. What I couldn’t have expected was that my DJing debut would come in the metaverse! The OKX Collective metaverse is unique and I’m honoured to share this special collab alongside a DJing legend like Oliver with fans from all over the world.”

Haider Rafique, Global Chief Marketing Officer at OKX, said: “For our third metaverse experience with Manchester City, we step into the virtual world to watch Jack try his hand on the decks alongside a legend of the future house genre. This fan experience is a great example of the one-of-a-kind immersive experiences we are building for fans. These opportunities are special in that they bring people intimately close to the players they love and their passions.”

Grealish DJ

Fans visiting the OKX Collective metaverse will be able to revisit the metaverse training experience OKX has launched with defender Ruben Dias and the tactical masterclass given by Manchester City Captain Ilkay Gundogan. Within the metaverse, fans can also enter competitions to win prizes, including passes to team trainings, match tickets and much more.

To enter the OKX Collective metaverse, fans simply need to click this link.

OKX is the official training kit partner of Manchester City for the 2022/23 season.

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