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OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai to Speak at Executive Panel on Web3 at SuperBridge Summit in Dubai

Dubai, UAE, October 16, 2023 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, today announced that its Global Chief Commercial Officer, Lennix Lai, will participate in an executive panel discussion on the topic of 'What Web3.0 can offer to financial services' at the SuperBridge Summit, a conference connecting business leaders to explore new markets, partnerships and global opportunities.

The event will be held on 16-17 October at the Museum of the Future in Dubai.The executive panel discussion featuring Lennix and moderated by FT Chinese Editor in Chief Wang Feng will take place on October 17, from 12:10pm to 12:50pm (UTC+4). Other panelists include DIFC Innovation Hub Chief Executive Officer Mohammad Alblooshi and Cocafe Founder & CEO Shi Lan. The panel will focus on the benefits and opportunities that Web3 technology can offer the financial services industry, with a specific focus on financial inclusion, cross-border payments and product innovation.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "The SuperBridge Summit provides a valuable platform for business leaders to explore the potential of emerging technologies like Web3 to revolutionize business processes, products and user experience across various industries. In joining the SuperBridge Summit, we aim to tap into the collective wisdom of industry leaders and explore the transformative potential of Web3 across different sectors, including financial services." OKX also recently served as the Title Sponsor and Premium Partner of Blockchain Economy Dubai Summit, which took place on October 4-5 at Le Meridien Dubai Hotel & Conference Center. On the first day of the conference, Lennix presented a keynote on 'Navigating the Bear Market.' He also joined a panel discussion on 'Web3 and the Metaverse - Building Decentralized Digital Realities' on October 5, alongside Accenture Web3 Lead Brett Hornung and Areon Network Chief Marketing Officer Deniz Perçin. The SuperBridge Summit, organized by SuperBridge Council in partnership with Kaoun International (a subsidiary of Dubai World Trade Centre), is expected to bring together over 500 business, policy and cultural leaders from over 20 countries to discuss common challenges, explore opportunities for collaboration and discover investment prospects across a wide range of sectors. SuperBridge Council is a global organization consisting of a group of renowned business entrepreneurs, social and cultural leaders from around the world. To learn more about the SuperBridge Summit, click here.

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