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The ‘Unseen City Shirts' Digital Collectibles

A message from OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique

A rare opportunity to mint and own a collectible with zero gas fees

As one of the world's largest crypto venues where billions of digital assets trade hands each day, we aspire to bring more utility to crypto beyond trading. This is a vision we outlined when we started to partner with sports teams like Man City and McLaren, or with our film and entertainment partner, Tribeca Film Festival.

In pursuit of more utility in crypto, we are excited to release the ‘Unseen City Shirts' campaign with Manchester City featuring re-designed, commemorative football shirts that can be minted as digital collectibles (NFTs) on our app and redeemed for exclusive prizes. You can mint the first digital collectibles here and the gas fees are on us. By minting, you are guaranteed an NFT collectible featuring one of the "unseen shirts." But you also have a chance to unlock more prizes (details on the drop page).

The first ‘Unseen City Shirts’ digital collectible, called ‘The Roses and the Bees’ designed by artist Christian Jeffery

The first ‘Unseen City Shirts’ digital collectible, called ‘The Roses and the Bees’ designed by artist Christian Jeffery

The first of two 'Unseen City Shirts' digital collectibles, called, 'The Roses and the Bees,' and designed by artist Christian Jeffery are going LIVE today. In a tribute to Manchester, the shirt includes the Lancashire Rose and the Manchester Worker Bee, an emblem of the city for generations.

Between now and April 25, fans can mint their 'Unseen City Shirts' digital collectible here on our Web3 Marketplace within the app. On 26 April, each collectible minted will randomly be assigned a rarity level - Classic, Rare or Ultra Rare.

Depending on the rarity of the digital collectible, fans have a chance to win exclusive prizes including a limited-edition physical version of the specially designed football shirt, hospitality tickets to a Manchester City match and a play-on-pitch experience.

Unseen City Shirts

Manchester City players (from left) Sergio Gómez, Erling Haaland and Jérémy Doku wear re-designed 'Unseen City Shirts' entitled 'The Roses and the Bees,' which is available as a free-to-mint digital collectible on our app

Roses and The Bees

Manchester City players (from left) Demi Stokes, Chloe Kelly, and Ruby Mace wear re-designed 'Unseen City Shirts' entitled 'The Roses and the Bees

'The Roses and the Bees' Digital Collectible

A second digital collectible shirt featuring another unique design - and more prizes to be won - will drop on 29 April. We look forward to engaging with Manchester City's global fan base through the campaign and will be in touch soon when the second digital collectible drops.

Best of luck minting this edition and we look forward to releasing the next few in the coming weeks.

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Aktywa cyfrowe, w tym stablecoiny, wiążą się z wysokim stopniem ryzyka i mogą ulegać dużym wahaniom. Należy starannie rozważyć, czy handel lub posiadanie aktywów cyfrowych są dla Ciebie odpowiednie w świetle Twojej sytuacji finansowej i tolerancji ryzyka. OKX nie udziela rekomendacji dotyczących inwestycji i aktywów. To Ty ponosisz wyłączną odpowiedzialność za swoje decyzje inwestycyjne, a OKX nie odpowiada za ewentualne straty. Wyniki z przeszłości nie są wskaźnikiem przyszłych rezultatów. Skonsultuj się z ekspertem z zakresu prawa/podatków/inwestycji, aby omówić swoją indywidualną sytuację. Funkcje OKX Web3, w tym OKX Web3 Wallet i OKX NFT Marketplace, podlegają osobnym warunkom korzystania dostępnym na www.okx.com.
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