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OKX Launches 'Holiday Bonanza' Campaign Featuring USD700k in Prizes, Including a 'Mystery Super Car'

Nassau, The Bahamas, November 29, 2023 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, today announced the launch of its 'Holiday Bonanza' campaign, which gives users the opportunity to claim USD700,000 worth of prizes, including a brand-new 'Mystery Super Car' valued at USD200,000.

The 'Holiday Bonanza' campaign, which runs until 31 December, aims to celebrate the holiday season by rewarding new and existing users who trade on OKX. The campaign consists of the following promotions and giveaways*:

  • Copy Trading Holiday Bonanza: From November 19 at 16:00 (UTC) to 31 December at 15:59 (UTC), top-performing copy traders and 'lead traders' on OKX's Copy Trading will have the opportunity to receive prizes worth more than 125,000 USDT.

    • OKX Copy Trading is a product that enables users to copy the strategies of top-performing 'lead traders' and automatically execute those in real-time across both spot and perpetual markets.

  • Signal Trading Promotion: From November 29 at 00:00 (UTC) to December 31 at 23:59 (UTC), the first 2,000 users who subscribe to a signal on OKX's Signal Marketplace will receive a subscription fee rebate of up to 10 USDT.

    • Launched on November 7, Signal Marketplace bridges the gap between signal providers and traders, offering automated strategies based on technical analysis, or 'signals,' which can indicate whether to buy or sell crypto.

  • OKX Holiday Giveaway: From December 1 at 00:00 (UTC) to December 31 at 23:59 (UTC), users will be eligible to receive a 'redemption ticket' for every 25,000 USDT worth of crypto traded. Each ticket will be entered into a 'Gift Box,' each containing its own prize. This gives users the opportunity to win prizes worth up to 490,000 USDT in the form of BTC, ETH and many others. Additionally, when the total trading volume of all participants in the 'OKX Holiday Giveaway' reaches 2.5 billion USDT during the campaign period, one lucky user will have the opportunity to win a super car valued at USD 200,000.

    • In addition, the first 1,000 users who sign up and trade at least 25,000 USDT worth of crypto on OKX during the campaign period will receive 5 USDT as a reward.

OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique said: "OKX's 'Holiday Bonanza' campaign is our way of celebrating the holiday season, attracting new traders, as well as giving back and rewarding our loyal community and users for their support throughout the year. At OKX, we are committed to providing innovative products and a seamless trading experience; this campaign serves as another testament to our dedication to delivering value to our users."

This announcement follows the launch of OKX's Trade Like a Pro Trading Competition in September, which offered a prize pool of over 2 million USDT and additional prizes, including a Tesla Model 3. The competition is part of OKX's global brand campaign, Trade Like a Pro, which showcases the diverse and inspiring stories of individual users and their favorite OKX products and features.

*Note: OKX reserves the right to determine and amend the rules of the campaign at any time without further notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, or terminating this campaign, modifying the eligibility conditions for users participating in the campaign, and adjusting the campaign and reward rules. For the campaign's full terms and conditions, click here.

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