Prezzo di Mask Network

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Informazioni sul mercato di Mask Network

Capitalizzazione di mercato
La capitalizzazione di mercato viene calcolata moltiplicando l'offerta circolante di una criptovaluta per il suo ultimo prezzo.
Capitalizzazione di mercato = Offerta circolante x Ultimo prezzo
Offerta circolante
L'importo totale di una criptovaluta disponibile pubblicamente sul mercato.
Grado di capitalizzazione di mercato
Il ranking di una criptovaluta in termini di valore della capitalizzazione di mercato.
Massimo storico
Il prezzo massimo di una criptovaluta raggiunto nella sua cronologia di trading.
Minimo storico
Il prezzo minimo di una criptovaluta raggiunto nella sua cronologia di trading.
Capitalizzazione di mercato
Offerta circolante
100.000.000 MASK
100,00% di
100.000.000 MASK
Grado di capitalizzazione di mercato
Ultimo audit: --
Massimo ultime 24 ore
Minimo ultime 24 ore
Massimo storico
-94,50% (-$38,1780)
Ultimo aggiornamento: 25 feb 2021
Minimo storico
+133,89% (+$1,2720)
Ultimo aggiornamento: 24 feb 2021

Calcolatore MASK


Il prezzo oggi dei Mask Network in USD

Il prezzo attuale di Mask Network è $2,2220. Nelle ultime 24 ore, Mask Network è aumentato di +0,59%. Al momento ha un'offerta circolante di 100.000.000 MASK e un'offerta massima di 100.000.000 MASK, assegnando una capitalizzazione di mercato completamente diluita di $222,10M. Al momento, la criptovaluta Mask Network detiene la posizione 0 nei ranking di capitalizzazione di mercato. Il prezzo Mask Network/USD è aggiornato in tempo reale.
7 giorni
30 giorni
3 mesi

Informazioni su Mask Network (MASK)

Il rating fornito è un rating aggregato raccolto da OKX dalle fonti date e ha scopo puramente informativo. OKX non garantisce la qualità o la precisione dei rating. Non è destinato a fornire (i) consigli o raccomandazioni in materia di investimenti; (ii) un'offerta o una sollecitazione all'acquisto, alla vendita o al possesso di asset digitali; oppure (iii) consigli di natura finanziaria, contabile, legale o fiscale. Gli asset digitali, tra cui stablecoin e NFT, comportano un elevato livello di rischio, sono soggetti a fluttuazioni estreme e possono perdere tutto il loro valore. Il prezzo e le prestazioni degli asset digitali non sono garantiti e potrebbero variare senza preavviso. I tuoi asset digitali non sono coperti da garanzia contro potenziali perdite. I rendimenti storici non rappresentano un'indicazione di rendimenti futuri. OKX non garantisce alcun rimborso di capitale o interessi. OKX non garantisce il rimborso del capitale o dell'interesse. Valuta attentamente se fare trading o mantenere asset digitali è idoneo per te alla luce delle tue condizioni finanziarie. Consulta il tuo professionista legale/fiscale/di investimenti in caso di domande sulle tue circostanze specifiche.
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Nel panorama dinamico della tecnologia blockchain e delle criptovalute, c'è una spinta costante a colmare il divario tra il web decentralizzato e l'internet tradizionale.

Per facilitare questa evoluzione, Mask Network (MASK), una piattaforma innovativa dedicata a connettere i social network con la tecnologia blockchain, è stata creata per aiutare il mondo a passare dal Web2 a Web3.

Che cos'è la Rete Mask?

Mask Network è una combinazione distintiva di protocolli e applicazioni progettata per introdurre le funzionalità e i vantaggi della blockchain al grande pubblico. Mask Network vuole essere un gateway che consente ai suoi utenti di accedere al mondo della Web3 attraverso la sua estensione. Con Mask Network gli utenti possono sperimentare lo scambio di criptovalute, accedere alle piattaforme di finanza decentralizzata (DeFi), ed esplorare il mondo dei tokens non-fungibili (NFTs), mentre navigano in pace nei loro feed di Twitter o Facebook. La piattaforma mira anche a risolvere i problemi di sicurezza dei social media, consentendo agli utenti di tenere nascosti i propri contenuti e di mostrarli solo al pubblico a cui sono destinati.

Il team di Mask Network

Suji Yan, imprenditore e investitore esperto con una conoscenza approfondita del settore blockchain, guida il team di Mask Network. È affiancato da membri chiave come Zhu Hua, che ricopre il ruolo di CTO, e Zheng Jie, COO.

Insieme, sono attivamente impegnati in una serie di progetti incentrati sulla decentralizzazione e sulla sicurezza di Internet. In particolare, stanno sviluppando un sistema di messaggistica decentralizzato, una soluzione di archiviazione dei file decentralizzata e sicura e una piattaforma di pagamento basata sui principi della decentralizzazione. Il team si dedica alla missione di creare un ambiente Internet più sicuro e decentralizzato.

Come funziona Mask Network?

L'obiettivo fondamentale di Mask Network è quello di collegare senza soluzione di continuità le piattaforme di social media al web decentralizzato. A tal fine, utilizza un'estensione del browser che funge da porta d'accesso per gli utenti che possono accedere e impegnarsi con le applicazioni decentralizzate (dApps) direttamente nelle loro familiari interfacce di social media.

I componenti chiave che determinano la funzionalità di Mask Network sono i seguenti:

  • Il plugin Mask Network: è lo strumento di base che integra le funzionalità di Mask Network nelle piattaforme dei social media. Con questo plugin, gli utenti hanno la possibilità di inviare e ricevere messaggi criptati, scambiare criptovalute, interagire con le piattaforme DeFi e impegnarsi con le NFT, il tutto all'interno dei loro feed di social media.
  • Reti sociali decentralizzate (DApplets): si tratta di applicazioni decentralizzate perfettamente integrate nel plugin Mask Network. Sfruttando le DApplet, gli utenti possono svolgere un'ampia gamma di attività, tra cui la negoziazione di cripto-asset, la stipula di contratti di prestito, la conduzione di sondaggi e altro ancora, direttamente dalle loro pagine sui social media.

Tokenomics di MASK

La struttura economica o tokenomics della rete Mask ruota attorno al suo token di utilità nativo, MASK. L'offerta totale di token MASK è limitata a 100 milioni.

I token MASK sono distribuiti agli utenti attraverso vari meccanismi, come l'estrazione di denaro, le ricompense per la creazione di contenuti e la partecipazione alla rete.

Casi d'uso di MASK

I token MASK hanno diversi usi all'interno dell'ecosistema della rete Mask. Servono come token di governance, consentendo ai titolari di partecipare ai processi decisionali che determinano lo sviluppo della rete.

Inoltre, i token MASK possono essere puntati nei protocolli DeFi, consentendo agli utenti di guadagnare ricompense o di partecipare allo yield farming. Inoltre, i token sono dotati di funzionalità NFT, che consentono agli utenti di creare, acquistare, vendere o mettere all'asta questi asset digitali unici.

Distribuzione di MASK

La distribuzione dei token MASK è la seguente:

  • 30 per cento: Vendita pubblica
  • 15 per cento: team della rete Mask
  • 10 per cento: Partner dell'ecosistema
  • 20 per cento : Liquidity mining
  • 25 per cento: Airdrops nella comunità 

La strada da percorrere per Mask Network

A breve termine, Mask Network intende estendere la propria portata a un maggior numero di blockchain e DApp.

A lungo termine, Mask Network intende affermarsi come la scelta predefinita per garantire la riservatezza nella sfera delle blockchain. Il team mira a rendere MASK una rete in cui gli utenti possano scambiare liberamente messaggi criptati, navigare sul web in modalità privata e utilizzare le DApp senza preoccuparsi costantemente che i loro dati vengano monitorati o commercializzati.

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Domande frequenti relative al prezzo di Mask Network

Che cos'è Mask Network?

Mask Network è una piattaforma che consente agli utenti di accedere allo spazio Web3 tramite l'estensione Mask Network. Consente alle piattaforme di social media di interagire con le criptovalute e le applicazioni decentralizzate (dApp). La Rete Mask supporta diverse blockchain, come Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC) e Polygon, rendendola un servizio interoperabile.

Quali sono i vantaggi di utilizzare la rete Mask?

L'utilizzo della rete Mask presenta diversi vantaggi. Il protocollo offre una sicurezza avanzata agli utenti, consentendo loro di nascondere i contenuti da occhi indiscreti e di mostrarli solo al pubblico a cui sono destinati. Inoltre, gli utenti possono inviare messaggi criptati, migliorando ulteriormente la sicurezza. Gli utenti di Mask possono scambiare NFT direttamente dalle piattaforme di social media attraverso OpenSea, uno dei più grandi marketplace di NFT al mondo.

Dove posso acquistare i token MASK?

È possibile acquistare facilmente i token MASK sulla piattaforma di criptovalute OKX. Le coppie di scambio disponibili nel terminale di scambio di denaro OKX sono le seguenti MASK/USDT e MASK/USDC.

È inoltre possibile acquistare MASK con più di 99 valute fiat selezionando il pulsante "Acquista Express". Altri token crypto popolari, come ad esempio Bitcoin (BTC), Tether (USDT), e USD Coin (USDC), sono anche disponibili.

È inoltre possibile scambiare le criptovalute esistenti, tra cui XRP (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), e Chainlink (LINK), per MASK con zero commissioni e senza slittamento di prezzo utilizzando OKX Convert.

Per i prezzi di conversione stimati in tempo reale tra le valute fiat, come USD, EUR, GBP e altre, in MASK, visitare il sito OKX Crypto Converter Calculator. Lo scambio di criptovalute altamente liquido di OKX garantisce i migliori prezzi per i vostri acquisti di criptovalute.

A quanto corrisponde 1 Mask Network oggi?
Al momento, un Mask Network vale $2,2220. Per risposte e informazioni approfondite sull'azione sui prezzi di Mask Network, sei nel posto giusto. Esplora i grafici Mask Network più recenti e fai trading in modo responsabile con OKX.
Che cosa sono le criptovalute?
Le criptovalute, ad esempio Mask Network, sono asset digitali che operano su un ledger pubblico chiamato blockchain. Scopri di più su monete e token offerti su OKX e sui loro diversi attributi, inclusi prezzi e grafici in tempo reale.
Quando è stata inventata la criptovaluta?
A seguito della crisi finanziaria del 2008, l'interesse nei confronti della finanza decentralizzata è cresciuto. Bitcoin ha offerto una nuova soluzione imponendosi come asset digitale sicuro su una rete decentralizzata. Da allora, sono stati creati anche molti altri token come Mask Network.
Il prezzo di Mask Network aumenterà oggi?
Dai un'occhiata alla nostra pagina di previsione sul prezzo di Mask Network per prevedere i prezzi futuri e determinare i tuoi target di prezzo.

Informativa ESG

Le normative ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) per gli asset di criptovaluta hanno lo scopo di gestire il loro impatto ambientale (ad es., attività minerarie dispendiose in termini di energia), promuovere la trasparenza e garantire pratiche di governance etiche per allineare l'industria delle criptovalute ai più ampi obiettivi di sostenibilità e sociali. Queste normative incoraggiano la conformità agli standard che riducono i rischi e favoriscono la fiducia negli asset digitali.
Dettagli degli asset
OKcoin Europe LTD
Identificatore dell'entità legale pertinente
Nome dell'asset di criptovaluta
Meccanismo di consenso
Mask is present on the following networks: binance_smart_chain, ethereum, polygon. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) uses a hybrid consensus mechanism called Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA), which combines elements of Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) and Proof of Authority (PoA). This method ensures fast block times and low fees while maintaining a level of decentralization and security. Core Components 1. Validators (so-called “Cabinet Members”): Validators on BSC are responsible for producing new blocks, validating transactions, and maintaining the network’s security. To become a validator, an entity must stake a significant amount of BNB (Binance Coin). Validators are selected through staking and voting by token holders. There are 21 active validators at any given time, rotating to ensure decentralization and security. 2. Delegators: Token holders who do not wish to run validator nodes can delegate their BNB tokens to validators. This delegation helps validators increase their stake and improves their chances of being selected to produce blocks. Delegators earn a share of the rewards that validators receive, incentivizing broad participation in network security. 3. Candidates: Candidates are nodes that have staked the required amount of BNB and are in the pool waiting to become validators. They are essentially potential validators who are not currently active but can be elected to the validator set through community voting. Candidates play a crucial role in ensuring there is always a sufficient pool of nodes ready to take on validation tasks, thus maintaining network resilience and decentralization. Consensus Process 4. Validator Selection: Validators are chosen based on the amount of BNB staked and votes received from delegators. The more BNB staked and votes received, the higher the chance of being selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks. The selection process involves both the current validators and the pool of candidates, ensuring a dynamic and secure rotation of nodes. 5. Block Production: The selected validators take turns producing blocks in a PoA-like manner, ensuring that blocks are generated quickly and efficiently. Validators validate transactions, add them to new blocks, and broadcast these blocks to the network. 6. Transaction Finality: BSC achieves fast block times of around 3 seconds and quick transaction finality. This is achieved through the efficient PoSA mechanism that allows validators to rapidly reach consensus. Security and Economic Incentives 7. Staking: Validators are required to stake a substantial amount of BNB, which acts as collateral to ensure their honest behavior. This staked amount can be slashed if validators act maliciously. Staking incentivizes validators to act in the network's best interest to avoid losing their staked BNB. 8. Delegation and Rewards: Delegators earn rewards proportional to their stake in validators. This incentivizes them to choose reliable validators and participate in the network’s security. Validators and delegators share transaction fees as rewards, which provides continuous economic incentives to maintain network security and performance. 9. Transaction Fees: BSC employs low transaction fees, paid in BNB, making it cost-effective for users. These fees are collected by validators as part of their rewards, further incentivizing them to validate transactions accurately and efficiently. The Ethereum network uses a Proof-of-Stake Consensus Mechanism to validate new transactions on the blockchain. Core Components 1. Validators: Validators are responsible for proposing and validating new blocks. To become a validator, a user must deposit (stake) 32 ETH into a smart contract. This stake acts as collateral and can be slashed if the validator behaves dishonestly. 2. Beacon Chain: The Beacon Chain is the backbone of Ethereum 2.0. It coordinates the network of validators and manages the consensus protocol. It is responsible for creating new blocks, organizing validators into committees, and implementing the finality of blocks. Consensus Process 1. Block Proposal: Validators are chosen randomly to propose new blocks. This selection is based on a weighted random function (WRF), where the weight is determined by the amount of ETH staked. 2. Attestation: Validators not proposing a block participate in attestation. They attest to the validity of the proposed block by voting for it. Attestations are then aggregated to form a single proof of the block’s validity. 3. Committees: Validators are organized into committees to streamline the validation process. Each committee is responsible for validating blocks within a specific shard or the Beacon Chain itself. This ensures decentralization and security, as a smaller group of validators can quickly reach consensus. 4. Finality: Ethereum 2.0 uses a mechanism called Casper FFG (Friendly Finality Gadget) to achieve finality. Finality means that a block and its transactions are considered irreversible and confirmed. Validators vote on the finality of blocks, and once a supermajority is reached, the block is finalized. 5. Incentives and Penalties: Validators earn rewards for participating in the network, including proposing blocks and attesting to their validity. Conversely, validators can be penalized (slashed) for malicious behavior, such as double-signing or being offline for extended periods. This ensures honest participation and network security. Polygon, formerly known as Matic Network, is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that employs a hybrid consensus mechanism. Here’s a detailed explanation of how Polygon achieves consensus: Core Concepts 1. Proof of Stake (PoS): Validator Selection: Validators on the Polygon network are selected based on the number of MATIC tokens they have staked. The more tokens staked, the higher the chance of being selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks. Delegation: Token holders who do not wish to run a validator node can delegate their MATIC tokens to validators. Delegators share in the rewards earned by validators. 2. Plasma Chains: Off-Chain Scaling: Plasma is a framework for creating child chains that operate alongside the main Ethereum chain. These child chains can process transactions off-chain and submit only the final state to the Ethereum main chain, significantly increasing throughput and reducing congestion. Fraud Proofs: Plasma uses a fraud-proof mechanism to ensure the security of off-chain transactions. If a fraudulent transaction is detected, it can be challenged and reverted. Consensus Process 3. Transaction Validation: Transactions are first validated by validators who have staked MATIC tokens. These validators confirm the validity of transactions and include them in blocks. 4. Block Production: Proposing and Voting: Validators propose new blocks based on their staked tokens and participate in a voting process to reach consensus on the next block. The block with the majority of votes is added to the blockchain. Checkpointing: Polygon uses periodic checkpointing, where snapshots of the Polygon sidechain are submitted to the Ethereum main chain. This process ensures the security and finality of transactions on the Polygon network. 5. Plasma Framework: Child Chains: Transactions can be processed on child chains created using the Plasma framework. These transactions are validated off-chain and only the final state is submitted to the Ethereum main chain. Fraud Proofs: If a fraudulent transaction occurs, it can be challenged within a certain period using fraud proofs. This mechanism ensures the integrity of off-chain transactions. Security and Economic Incentives 6. Incentives for Validators: Staking Rewards: Validators earn rewards for staking MATIC tokens and participating in the consensus process. These rewards are distributed in MATIC tokens and are proportional to the amount staked and the performance of the validator. Transaction Fees: Validators also earn a portion of the transaction fees paid by users. This provides an additional financial incentive to maintain the network’s integrity and efficiency. 7. Delegation: Shared Rewards: Delegators earn a share of the rewards earned by the validators they delegate to. This encourages more token holders to participate in securing the network by choosing reliable validators. 8. Economic Security: Slashing: Validators can be penalized for malicious behavior or failure to perform their duties. This penalty, known as slashing, involves the loss of a portion of their staked tokens, ensuring that validators act in the best interest of the network.
Meccanismi di incentivi e commissioni applicabili
Mask is present on the following networks: binance_smart_chain, ethereum, polygon. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) uses the Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) consensus mechanism to ensure network security and incentivize participation from validators and delegators. Incentive Mechanisms 1. Validators: Staking Rewards: Validators must stake a significant amount of BNB to participate in the consensus process. They earn rewards in the form of transaction fees and block rewards. Selection Process: Validators are selected based on the amount of BNB staked and the votes received from delegators. The more BNB staked and votes received, the higher the chances of being selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks. 2. Delegators: Delegated Staking: Token holders can delegate their BNB to validators. This delegation increases the validator's total stake and improves their chances of being selected to produce blocks. Shared Rewards: Delegators earn a portion of the rewards that validators receive. This incentivizes token holders to participate in the network’s security and decentralization by choosing reliable validators. 3. Candidates: Pool of Potential Validators: Candidates are nodes that have staked the required amount of BNB and are waiting to become active validators. They ensure that there is always a sufficient pool of nodes ready to take on validation tasks, maintaining network resilience. 4. Economic Security: Slashing: Validators can be penalized for malicious behavior or failure to perform their duties. Penalties include slashing a portion of their staked tokens, ensuring that validators act in the best interest of the network. Opportunity Cost: Staking requires validators and delegators to lock up their BNB tokens, providing an economic incentive to act honestly to avoid losing their staked assets. Fees on the Binance Smart Chain 5. Transaction Fees: Low Fees: BSC is known for its low transaction fees compared to other blockchain networks. These fees are paid in BNB and are essential for maintaining network operations and compensating validators. Dynamic Fee Structure: Transaction fees can vary based on network congestion and the complexity of the transactions. However, BSC ensures that fees remain significantly lower than those on the Ethereum mainnet. 6. Block Rewards: Incentivizing Validators: Validators earn block rewards in addition to transaction fees. These rewards are distributed to validators for their role in maintaining the network and processing transactions. 7. Cross-Chain Fees: Interoperability Costs: BSC supports cross-chain compatibility, allowing assets to be transferred between Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain. These cross-chain operations incur minimal fees, facilitating seamless asset transfers and improving user experience. 8. Smart Contract Fees: Deployment and Execution Costs: Deploying and interacting with smart contracts on BSC involves paying fees based on the computational resources required. These fees are also paid in BNB and are designed to be cost-effective, encouraging developers to build on the BSC platform. Ethereum, particularly after transitioning to Ethereum 2.0 (Eth2), employs a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to secure its network. The incentives for validators and the fee structures play crucial roles in maintaining the security and efficiency of the blockchain. Incentive Mechanisms 1. Staking Rewards: Validator Rewards: Validators are essential to the PoS mechanism. They are responsible for proposing and validating new blocks. To participate, they must stake a minimum of 32 ETH. In return, they earn rewards for their contributions, which are paid out in ETH. These rewards are a combination of newly minted ETH and transaction fees from the blocks they validate. Reward Rate: The reward rate for validators is dynamic and depends on the total amount of ETH staked in the network. The more ETH staked, the lower the individual reward rate, and vice versa. This is designed to balance the network's security and the incentive to participate. 2. Transaction Fees: Base Fee: After the implementation of Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559, the transaction fee model changed to include a base fee that is burned (i.e., removed from circulation). This base fee adjusts dynamically based on network demand, aiming to stabilize transaction fees and reduce volatility. Priority Fee (Tip): Users can also include a priority fee (tip) to incentivize validators to include their transactions more quickly. This fee goes directly to the validators, providing them with an additional incentive to process transactions efficiently. 3. Penalties for Malicious Behavior: Slashing: Validators face penalties (slashing) if they engage in malicious behavior, such as double-signing or validating incorrect information. Slashing results in the loss of a portion of their staked ETH, discouraging bad actors and ensuring that validators act in the network's best interest. Inactivity Penalties: Validators also face penalties for prolonged inactivity. This ensures that validators remain active and engaged in maintaining the network's security and operation. Fees Applicable on the Ethereum Blockchain 1. Gas Fees: Calculation: Gas fees are calculated based on the computational complexity of transactions and smart contract executions. Each operation on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) has an associated gas cost. Dynamic Adjustment: The base fee introduced by EIP-1559 dynamically adjusts according to network congestion. When demand for block space is high, the base fee increases, and when demand is low, it decreases. 2. Smart Contract Fees: Deployment and Interaction: Deploying a smart contract on Ethereum involves paying gas fees proportional to the contract's complexity and size. Interacting with deployed smart contracts (e.g., executing functions, transferring tokens) also incurs gas fees. Optimizations: Developers are incentivized to optimize their smart contracts to minimize gas usage, making transactions more cost-effective for users. 3. Asset Transfer Fees: Token Transfers: Transferring ERC-20 or other token standards involves gas fees. These fees vary based on the token's contract implementation and the current network demand. Polygon uses a combination of Proof of Stake (PoS) and the Plasma framework to ensure network security, incentivize participation, and maintain transaction integrity. Incentive Mechanisms 1. Validators: Staking Rewards: Validators on Polygon secure the network by staking MATIC tokens. They are selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks based on the number of tokens they have staked. Validators earn rewards in the form of newly minted MATIC tokens and transaction fees for their services. Block Production: Validators are responsible for proposing and voting on new blocks. The selected validator proposes a block, and other validators verify and validate it. Validators are incentivized to act honestly and efficiently to earn rewards and avoid penalties. Checkpointing: Validators periodically submit checkpoints to the Ethereum main chain, ensuring the security and finality of transactions processed on Polygon. This provides an additional layer of security by leveraging Ethereum's robustness. 2. Delegators: Delegation: Token holders who do not wish to run a validator node can delegate their MATIC tokens to trusted validators. Delegators earn a portion of the rewards earned by the validators, incentivizing them to choose reliable and performant validators. Shared Rewards: Rewards earned by validators are shared with delegators, based on the proportion of tokens delegated. This system encourages widespread participation and enhances the network's decentralization. 3. Economic Security: Slashing: Validators can be penalized through a process called slashing if they engage in malicious behavior or fail to perform their duties correctly. This includes double-signing or going offline for extended periods. Slashing results in the loss of a portion of the staked tokens, acting as a strong deterrent against dishonest actions. Bond Requirements: Validators are required to bond a significant amount of MATIC tokens to participate in the consensus process, ensuring they have a vested interest in maintaining network security and integrity. Fees on the Polygon Blockchain 4. Transaction Fees: Low Fees: One of Polygon's main advantages is its low transaction fees compared to the Ethereum main chain. The fees are paid in MATIC tokens and are designed to be affordable to encourage high transaction throughput and user adoption. Dynamic Fees: Fees on Polygon can vary depending on network congestion and transaction complexity. However, they remain significantly lower than those on Ethereum, making Polygon an attractive option for users and developers. 5. Smart Contract Fees: Deployment and Execution Costs: Deploying and interacting with smart contracts on Polygon incurs fees based on the computational resources required. These fees are also paid in MATIC tokens and are much lower than on Ethereum, making it cost-effective for developers to build and maintain decentralized applications (dApps) on Polygon. 6. Plasma Framework: State Transfers and Withdrawals: The Plasma framework allows for off-chain processing of transactions, which are periodically batched and committed to the Ethereum main chain. Fees associated with these processes are also paid in MATIC tokens, and they help reduce the overall cost of using the network.
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Fine del periodo di riferimento dell'informativa
Report sull'energia
Utilizzo di energia
341.62077 (kWh/a)
Metodologie e fonti di energia
The energy consumption of this asset is aggregated across multiple components: To determine the energy consumption of a token, the energy consumption of the network(s) binance_smart_chain, ethereum, polygon is calculated first. Based on the crypto asset's gas consumption per network, the share of the total consumption of the respective network that is assigned to this asset is defined. When calculating the energy consumption, we used - if available - the Functionally Fungible Group Digital Token Identifier (FFG DTI) to determine all implementations of the asset of question in scope and we update the mappings regulary, based on data of the Digital Token Identifier Foundation.
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