What's Snap mode - powered by UniswapX, and how do I use it?

Publicado em 1 de mar. de 2024Atualizado em 4 de mar. de 2024Leitura de 3 minuto

What's Snap?

Snap is a new feature leveraging UniswapX for optimal pricing, zero gas fees, and fail-safe transactions.

OKX DEX's Snap trading mode feature allows users to swap tokens on Ethereum (Eth) quickly and intuitively without incurring any gas fees. The feature operates directly on the OKX DEX interface via Uniswap's UniswapX protocol. UniswapX is a new permissionless, open-source, Dutch auction-based protocol that's designed to give token swappers the best possible deal by aggregating liquidity from various sources, preventing maximum extractable value (MEV), providing gas-free transactions on the Ethereum (Eth) blockchain, and eliminating costs for failed transactions.

Why should I use the Snap feature?

Snap allows users to access more competitive rates with aggregated liquidity and trade confidently with MEV protection and zero penalties on failed transactions, courtesy of the UniswapX integration.

What's the benefit or value that Snap delivers?

To capitalize on improved pricing, enjoy gas-free swaps, and eliminate the frustration of transaction failures, all within the user-friendly OKX environment.

Why am I unable to place a trade on Spot trading?

To place a spot trading order, you must ensure your trading account has sufficient funds and your account has successfully completed the identity verification process.

How do I use Snap?

1. Select the Trade option


Enter Swap & Bridge option on the Trade page

2. Select the Snap mode

  • Auto: traditional trading with standard X routing and gas fees.

  • Snap (also known as Intent): enhanced trading via UniswapX Protocol, offering gas-free transactions and optimized liquidity.


Snap, also known as Intent mode, can be selected on the Swap & Bridge page

3. Confirm the Swap


Check out all of the details before confirming your Swap

Note: for swapping Ethereum (Eth), users must wrap Ethereum (Eth) before they can swap into other tokens.