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OKX Launches 'CCTP Cryptopedia Campaign' with 50,000 USDC Reward Pool

  • Launching today and continuing until February 4, the 'CCTP Cryptopedia Campaign' allows OKX DEX users who swap USDC across different blockchains on the OKX DEX aggregator the opportunity to claim a share of a 50,000 USDC reward pool

  • The campaign follows the recent launch of OKX DEX's USDC cross-chain bridge, utilizing Circle's Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) to enable seamless and secure swaps of USDC across four blockchains

Singapore, January 16, 2024 -- OKX, a leading Web3 technology company, today unveiled a new 'CCTP Cryptopedia Campaign,' giving users who swap USDC across different blockchains on the OKX DEX aggregator the opportunity to qualify for a share of a 50,000 USDC reward pool*.

The 'CCTP Cryptopedia Campaign' follows the launch of OKX DEX's new USDC cross-chain bridge on September 7, 2023. Leveraging Circle’s Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP), a permissionless on-chain utility that enables USDC to flow natively across different blockchains, the bridge facilitates seamless and secure swaps of USDC across Ethereum, Avalanche, Arbitrum and the OP Mainnet - with plans to expand support for more blockchains in the future. OKX DEX is one of the first decentralized exchange aggregators to offer cutting-edge cross-chain USDC swap capability with Circle’s CCTP across these four blockchains.

From January 16, 2024 at 4:00 AM UTC to February 4, 2024 at 3:59 PM UTC, participants engaging in the 'CCTP Cryptopedia Campaign' will qualify for a share of the 50,000 USDC prize pool by performing cross-chain swaps of 10 USDC or more via the OKX DEX. To participate in the 'CCTP Cryptopedia Campaign,' users can access OKX Wallet's Discover page within the OKX app, select Cryptopedia, OKX's learn-to-earn crypto education platform, and complete the 'quest' of performing a cross-chain USDC swap with 'Circle' selected as the trading route. Users should then tap on ‘Verify’ after completing the quest to ensure their participation in the campaign.

OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau said: "Cross-chain swaps of stablecoins are one of the most common transactions for users participating in the Web3 ecosystem. Users already rely on OKX DEX for its powerful token-to-token and cross-chain trading capabilities. With this campaign, we aim to encourage more users to experience seamless USDC swaps across different blockchains on OKX DEX. We look forward to seeing the response and expanding support for USDC swaps on more chains."

*Note: OKX reserves the right to determine and amend the rules of the campaign at any time without further notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, or terminating this campaign, modifying the eligibility conditions for users participating in the campaign, and adjusting the campaign and reward rules. For the campaign's full terms and conditions, click here.

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