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Our X Layer Testnet Now Supported by QuickSwap DEX

We today announced that QuickSwap, a DEX and automated market maker built on Polygon, Polygon zkEVM and Dogechain, now supports the testnet version of X Layer. X Layer is our new zkEVM Layer 2 network, developed using the Polygon Chain Development Kit (CDK).

With this addition, users can explore the solutions offered by the QuickSwap platform, including its token swap, liquidity pool and perpetual DEX, by selecting 'X Layer' from the chain drop-down menu on the QuickSwap website. X Layer provides a highly secure and scalable environment for QuickSwap to showcase its features and capabilities, setting the stage for the eventual rollout of the QuickSwap DEX on the X Layer mainnet.

The initiative further enhances the ecosystems of both QuickSwap and X Layer, creating more opportunities for users and developers. Since its launch in November 2023, the X Layer testnet already hosts over 50 Web3 projects, including Galxe, Particle Network, Math Wallet, Star Protocol, SoQuest, Owlto Finance and Ruby DEX.

X Layer serves as our new native network, with the goal of providing users and developers access to the world’s biggest blockchain ecosystems. It is a state-of-the-art, user-friendly protocol designed for builders, creators and Web3 enthusiasts. X Layer utilizes ZK proofs, ensuring high security and scalability while reducing transaction costs. The network is compatible with Ethereum, allowing seamless and secure deployment of EVM-based DApps. It also provides connectivity with a wide range of smart contracts, wallets and tools.

For more information, please visit the X Layer website, or follow X Layer on X and Discord.

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