Today, we're excited to announce that we have added support for the Atomicals (ARC-20) Bitcoin inscription standard on our Inscription Market, formerly known as Ordinals Market. This addition enhances the range of options available to our users to create, buy and sell inscriptions across an expanding roster of token standards.
ARC-20, an emerging Bitcoin inscription standard, makes it possible to represent fungible token assets on the Bitcoin blockchain. This colored coin standard enables each Satoshi (the smallest unit of Bitcoin) to represent token ownership units. On our Inscription Market, users can now trade ARC-20 inscriptions including top market cap tokens such as Atom and Quark, as well as popular collections like TOOTHY, Capybaras and many others.
The integration of ARC-20 support on our Inscription Market follows the addition of ARC-20 and Stamps (SRC-20) support on our OKX Wallet, enabling users to view and transfer these innovative inscription standards. Our OKX Wallet also added viewing and transfer support for the Rune Alpha inscription standard on March 12. In the coming weeks, we plan to further expand support on our OKX Wallet and Inscription Market for Doginals (DRC-20), with the addition of Runes support to follow post-Bitcoin halving.
Our Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau said: "OKX is the best place to discover and trade Ordinals and Inscriptions. Our Inscription Market continues to improve by including support for leading protocols like Atomicals. And, there’s more to come with Doginals and Runes. We've developed and refined this feature based on users' feedback and can't wait to hear their thoughts."
Our latest enhancements establish the OKX Marketplace as the industry's leading one-stop marketplace, offering zero-fee trading across an ever-growing range of token standards. Already, our OKX Wallet's inscription tool supports inscription minting on 23 networks, including Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche-C, Arbitrum One and many others.
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