We've just published our 25th Proof of Reserves (PoR) report, demonstrating USD26.7 billion in primary assets backing customer funds.
This month's report shows:
Significant growth in primary assets, with overall wallet holdings for BTC, ETH, USDT and USDC recording a 32% increase, led by strong gains in BTC and ETH, while stablecoins USDT and USDC showed steady growth
Over 100% reserve ratios maintained for 22 of our most frequently traded assets
Current reserve ratios for primary assets:
BTC: 104%
ETH: 102%
USDT: 104%
USDC: 100%
Our PoR program works alongside other security measures, including our multi-billion-dollar insurance fund*, AI-powered security tools for blockchain monitoring and comprehensive encryption systems. These elements form part of our broader security infrastructure designed to protect customer assets.
Last month, we celebrated two years of consecutive monthly PoR reports, reinforcing our position as one of the few exchanges committed to consistent transparency reporting in the digital asset space.
We're pleased to see that over two million customers have now used our PoR verification tool. We encourage all customers to verify their assets through our platform, supporting crypto's ethos of "don't trust, verify."
Learn more about our security measures at okx.com/landingpage/beyond-proof-of-reserves
*Insurance Fund available in specific markets only
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