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Apa Saja Alasan Di Balik Kegagalan Copy Trading Futures Saya?

Dipublikasikan Pada 1 Sep 2023Diperbarui Pada 1 Sep 2024Baca 4 mnt104

Apa Yang Dimaksud Kegagalan Copy Trading Futures?

Kegagalan copy trading futures di platform kami mengacu pada contoh di mana upaya untuk mereplikasi trading dari lead trader ke copy trader mengalami kendala atau mengakibatkan hasil yang gagal. Kegagalan ini dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor seperti dana yang tidak mencukupi, perbedaan jumlah order, melebihi batas maksimum, atau masalah terkait perlindungan selisih harga. Analisis mendalam ini memberikan wawasan mengenai alasan umum di balik kegagalan dalam copy trading, yang menawarkan perspektif berharga baik bagi copy trader maupun lead trader.

Apa Saja Alasan Di Balik Kegagalan Pembukaan Posisi?

Related trader Common reason Details

Copy trader
Insufficient funds If the copy trader has insufficient USDT funds in their trading account, they may be unable to open new positions.
Example: an order to open a position requires a 20 USDT margin, but the copy trader has less than 20 USDT in their trading account. In this case, the copy trade order will fail.
Amount per order is too low If you set a low amount per order, your order quantity may be below the minimum order quantity, causing your copy trade to fail. The minimum order quantity is different for different contracts and trading pairs. You can go to our futures trading rules and spot trading rules to learn more.
Exceeded maximum total amount When a copy trader’s investment across all orders exceeds the maximum total amount they set, the system stop opening new positions until some ongoing ones are closed.
Slippage protection
Significant differences in the entry price between you and lead traders can have a big impact on your profit and loss. To prevent this, if there's more than a 0.5% disparity between the lead trader’s and your entry price, our slippage protection mechanism will cancel the copy trade.
Smart sync position ratio too high Smart sync copy trading aims to ensure a copy trader’s position asset allocation is proportional to the lead trader they’re copying. In order to control copy trader’s risk, if a copy trader has a higher ratio of assets allocated to a position than the lead trader, they’ll stop copying orders for that contract and direction until their allocation is back in line with the lead trader.

Lead trader

Position size exceeds the maximum limit When the total value of positions held by a trader and their copy traders reaches the maximum position limit for a particular contract and direction, copy traders will stop opening positions for that contract and direction. Our support center has more details on limits for futures copy trading and spot copy trading.
Example: if a lead trader and their copy traders collectively hold a BTCUSDT perpetual long position with a value of 50,000,000 USDT, copy traders will stop opening new BTCUSDT perpetual long positions.
Exceeded daily lead trade order limit Currently, lead traders can open a maximum of 5,000 lead trade orders each day. After they reach 5,000, any new trades that day won’t be able to be copied by copy traders.
Trading account funds are below the minimum lead trader requirement If a lead trader has less than 500 USDT in their trading account, they’ll be unable to create new lead trades.

Apa Saja Alasan Di Balik Kegagalan Penutupan Posisi?

Karena fluktuasi pasar dan sejumlah faktor seperti kedalaman pasar, dalam beberapa kasus ketika pasar mengalami volatilitas ekstrem, sistem kami mungkin tidak dapat menutup posisi copy trading karena aturan batas harga atau faktor lainnya. Dalam kasus ini, kami akan memberi tahu copy trader melalui email dan notifikasi dalam aplikasi untuk menutup posisi mereka secara manual.