By Jamie Kennedy, OKX Australia General Manager
I'm thrilled to share that we have launched our Australian dollar (AUD) trading order books today. OKX customers in Australia will be able to trade major cryptocurrencies USDT, USDC, BTC and ETH, against AUD.
As the General Manager of OKX Australia, I'm so proud that we are now the largest global exchange (by trading volume) to offer order book-based AUD pairs for spot trading in the country. We've introduced AUD pairs to meet customer demand as we continue to fulfil our commitment to bringing an enhanced trading experience, flexibility and new market opportunities to the market.
We believe that offering local fiat trading capabilities is crucial to driving adoption and development of the local crypto ecosystem. With this new offering, our Australian customers will be able to seamlessly trade between AUD, stablecoins and the most popular cryptocurrencies.
Since we launched our platform in Australia in May, we've offered spot trading for all local customers and derivatives trading for verified wholesale clients. We've also enabled AUD deposits and withdrawals via local Australian banks, along with our express buy and sell services for our local customers. The latest addition of our AUD order books is a further step on our journey towards providing the best localised products possible for Australian customers.
Looking ahead, we'll continue to invest and introduce new, tailored products to help us realize our vision and provide the best possible experience for our growing community of Australian crypto enthusiasts. Stay tuned for more updates!
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