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We've Set Up a Hong Kong Entity and Will Apply for Virtual Asset Licenses

Today, we at OKX, the world's second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, announce that we have set up a Hong Kong entity for launching virtual asset services in Hong Kong.

We intend to apply for the virtual asset service provider (VASP) licence under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Ordinance 2022, which is scheduled to take effect on 1 June 2023, and the Type 1 & 7 licences under the Securities and Futures Ordinance.

Our announcement follows more than a year of preparation to fulfill anticipated regulatory requirements from organizational, product, security, and compliance standpoints.

Our Managing Director of Global Institutional, Lennix Lai, said: "Regulation and licensing are key to the future success of the crypto and Web3 sectors. At OKX, we see immense potential in Hong Kong, and are committed to investing in talents and working with regulators over the next five years to continue building the local ecosystem. Through the new VASP regime, the Hong Kong government has created a robust regulatory framework and the right conditions for Hong Kong to become a world-leading virtual asset hub. We're looking forward to applying for the relevant licences via our Hong Kong entity."

Our General Counsel, Bing Zhao, added: "OKX has an ambitious vision when it comes to pursuing licenses in relevant and appropriate jurisdictions, and we are committed to working with the SFC throughout the application process. We take security, custody, AML and compliance very seriously and are keen to demonstrate how we can meet and exceed the robust standards expected of virtual asset service providers under this regulatory regime."

Over the past several years, Hong Kong has become a destination for the crypto industry. It will be increasingly important for us at OKX and many other innovative firms, entrepreneurs, and top talents as regulation develops.

We are sponsoring two industry conferences in Hong Kong in the coming weeks, the WOW Summit and the Hong Kong Web3 Festival and taking part in keynote and panel discussions to outline our company's growth plans.

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