
Our Commitment to Inspiring Inclusion in Crypto

International Women's Day (IWD) is an occasion to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women, and also a call to action for the pursuit of a more equitable world. This year's theme, 'Inspire Inclusion,' reminds us of the importance of diversity in the workplace because of the tangible benefits diversity brings in terms of leadership and decision making. So, this IWD, we'd like to take a moment to share our thoughts on inspiring inclusion in crypto.

Crypto aims to democratize access to finance, bypass intermediaries and empower users everywhere. In order to achieve that, we're conscious that the crypto industry, like other sectors that are predominantly male, needs to better reflect those who we aim to serve. That's why we're working hard to foster an environment where the best ideas win, and where people are encouraged and valued for the unique experiences and perspectives they bring to the workplace.

The crypto industry is characterized by a "may the best tech win" ethos. It's vital to foster an environment where ideas are evaluated based on merit, and everyone is offered an equal platform to contribute their best ideas. We aim to provide an inclusive setting where the right skills and innovative ideas are prioritized.

With our commitment to this ethos, we're proud to have witnessed an increase in the number of female leaders and colleagues in our company over the past few years. In addition to our President, Hong Fang, we have inspiring women in leadership positions throughout the business, including legal, regulatory & licensing, business development, marketing, brand design and human resources. These leaders have helped cultivate a supportive, inclusive and meritocratic environment, which in turn creates more opportunities to bolster the diversity of our company as a whole.

We recognize that there's much more work to be done. Individuals, teams, and companies should shoulder this responsibility together. It's essential that we all understand the importance of inclusivity. At OKX, we hope to collectively inspire, nurture and work towards a better, inclusive future for crypto.

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